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Senses Ideas


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Hi guys just wondered if anyone has any good experiences / activities that they would like to share around the theme of our senses. Thanks

Our children really enjoyed the 'secret scent' activity where they had to guess what the hidden substance was only by smelling! Some of the answers were rather interesting, to say the least!


We also made texture boards where children had free access to a variety of different textured papers/materials and they made collages. Lovely vocab came out of it!


We've added food flavourings to paint and playdough to make them smell nice, or sand/rice to playdough to give texture.


Need to think about this - not very inspiring so far is it? :o



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discovery bottles



we made them with the children and they are used all the time now...(perhaps we need to update ours as a bit tatty!)


used them for sight sound and smell


taste.. what flavour crisp.. (we found they could identify the colour packet but not name them)





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We just did this as a mini topic and did lots of malleable for touch, an dthe smell test as others have described. We also made a discovery box where we placed an object and children had to describe it by touch. We also gave the children a camera to make a display of how the children see the setting - they loved that. Taste test - mixing different fruit juices, see which ones we liked best.


One activity that was child led was potion making - just give them a bowl and spoon and see what happens!!! That involed al the senses (except taste, although some children would have!!!!)

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wrap up items and have children guess what is in them, they can be based over most senses except taste...


we have several shakers from small bottles or film pots and children have to match the sounds.. listen and pair them together, and name the contents.. can be anything.. water, sand, rice, pasta.. just make sure they cannot see contents and they are in pairs..



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We did a Touch Walk with feet a couple of weeks ago. I got the idea from someone on here but sorry don't know who I owe the credit to. Had fluffy balnket,bubblwrap,clay,jelly and grass. The children loved it and there was some terrific language. luluj

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We have also used bowls etc on the floor for the children to feel things with their bare feet. :(


We have included, sand paper, shredded paper, warm and cold water, cotton wool, pebbles, shaving foam.


it's great and makes a really big mess, but the children enjoy it and love it when the shredded paper sticks to their wet feet. :(


During physical time, we also use hoops, we get one child to stand in the hoop and another to take them for a walk around the room. When the child in the hoop feels confident enough, they close their eyes and REALLY rely on the other child to take them safely around the room, even the 2.5yr olds enjoy doig this.


On the easels get the children to close their eyes before they paint - see if they can find the paper to paint on! :o


At register time and other quite times whisper things instead of using your normal tone then the children have to listen hard.


Hope these help xD

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Please don't forget to remind children that they feel with their skin, and not their hands! A lot of children don't realise that the skin is an organ just like eyes!



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When I did mine I had:



Garlic (yuk!)

Smoked salmon (surprsing how many liked that!)

Sweetcorn (no-one liked that one!)

Strawberry (many said yoghurt guessing that one)




Oh,I can't remember the last one!!! we used the little friendly bacteria drink bottles with foil sellotaped over the top and used a toothpick to poke small holes in.

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I meant to say - I love the sense walk mentioned by Brenda - I will definately be doing this!!!


Also, during group time we all hid under the parachute and used quiet voices to talk and sing, which they absolutely loved! Even the children who never sit still for these times, joined in! Something about being in an enclosed space gave them confidence to sing when they otherwise wouldn't!

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