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Golden Achievements,

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Hi all,

Well the current school year is drawing rapidly to a close, unless like Beau you live in a part of the world where that has already happened! Or perhaps you are so far away, things are very different!

In the past year we have seen membership on here grow and grow and we now have a tremendous new site! :D


We have shared golden moments, the little things that children say or do that make each day special and we have moaned and groaned sharing our frustrations and finding comfort from knowing we are not alone!

So what are you really pleased about? What have you or your children achieved that makes you really pleased and proud, that makes you want to shout about even now?

Shout it here, please! NOW!! :o We all want to hear about it.


An elective mute asking me for help after a year and a half in my class. :D:D:D


Witnessing a 4yr old come through the stuggle of learning to walk again after badly breaking his leg in an accident. The day,months down the line, that he took two unaided steps from me to a colleague was indescribable.


(and for the record the accident involved a garden slide that had been put in the paddling pool at home, something I have always thought dangerous)


Many of you will know that I took over running a very small rural playgroup last year. I have had a real struggle with my committee this year who have not been the slightest interested in improving standards. xD However, I've always believed that the only way for the playgroup to survive is to offer the very best quality childcare. Then eventually word will start to spread and parents will come to the playgroup not just because its handy but because they know we offer something better than all the other groups around. So I struggled on by myself and was feeling really low about it all and ready to give up. Then I posted something about my situation on this site and got so much support and encouragement that I decided to carry on in spite of the lack of support from my committee. :o


Three weeks ago one of the NNEBs from the nursery came to visit for a morning to meet the children moving there after the summer. The teacher who runs the nursery took me aside later and told me that the NNEB had been so impressed with what I was doing that she would have no hesitation recommending playgroup to parents with younger children. She also said that she was really pleased she could do this as she had never felt she could recommend a playgroup in the area before. :D We already have 10 children due to start after the summer, 2 who came to look around as a direct result of the nurseries recommendation. So thankyou to all of you on here who have helped to turn the worst year of my life into one of the best. :D


We came out of special measures. Teaching and learning in the Foundation Stage was 100% good or better.

I quote:

"the attainment of most pupils on entry to the school's nursery unit is generally low in aspects of personal and social development, language and literacy, and numeracy. As a result of the improvements in the curriculum planning and in the quality of teaching, the pupils make steady progress and achieve satisfactory standards."


I also got a new job working for a neighbouring LEA as an advisory Teacher for Foundation Stage and the Primary Strategy!! :D I start in september.


I took over as Manager of my pre school 4 years ago. (before that did two years as deputy in a day nursey and 7 previous years at home).

When i took the pre school with great trepidation it was almost at closer time and having spent the last 4 years changing and adapting with and without support from staff/committee have just recieved the most spectacular Ofsted report which has been put in all the local papers.

I know i could have not have achieved this without the support of my staff who i eventually got on my side plus a superb chair, but with all the hype about NNEBs etc i am very proud.................... :o


Beau , Catma & hali now you all sound as if you've plenty to be pleased about, well done!


My outstanding moment has to have been keeping sane on this site as generally this school year has been pretty lousy for me!


And now, I can tell you that Mundia asked me to start this thread for her so lets have some more achievements to cheer her on her way----


Ok - for mundia, cause otherwise it's boring!


Walking independantly again. No crutches, no stick, just two legs.

Said it was boring!!! :o


Love you, mundia!!

Sue :D


i think mine is abit boring aswell, it has to be getting my job.

i have really enjoyed this term, it `s been great fun, the children have been lovely and so have the staff. it really has been a breath of fresh air!!

i must say ,finding all you guys was a pretty cool move too!!



Hmm getting myself a permanant post was a massive achievement for me, especially when I found out I beat 97 others to the job, even if I was already doing it.

I'm also pleased with the way some of my kids have come on, especially some of my reception kids, you can really see their progression, especially in the last couple of months.


Well I don't think any of that is boring! perhaps that means I'm just plain noseY!

We have to faith in ourselves and be proud of what we we do however mundane that might seem!

Well done Sue, Maddy and Nichola.


( and for those of you in the teaching profession who may be approaching that Threshold time, then this is exactly what you will you need to do to fill in that form,

it goes against the grain sometimes to sing ones own praises, but get practising NOW!!!)



Anyone else out there then with something to share?


I think that getting through my first year as owner/manager of a pre school! (hold on though..... still have self assessment tax to do, it could all go pear shaped yet!! :D ) It's been stressful and I've had my low moments but i'm proud of myself for taking the plunge and making a success of it, and couldn't have have managed this , and still be sane, if it had not been for the support of my husband, and mum and of course every good soul on here :D .... so Thanks :):):)


The best part of this year for me is having all the support and help from this site that finally ended with me getting the recognition that my 'old NNEB' deserves. Lets just say four days after finding out that it will be seen as level 3 I am still smiling :D:D:D:D:D


Congratulations on that one hotgoss, I'd missed that news. I love the avatar too!

Trea sounds tremendous, perhaps that's a dream I ought to be trying to realise?!


I think I will be celebrating a golden moment later this year when I have owned and run my pre-school for 15 years. So I must have had one all that time ago when I took it over. I have watched it evolve from a playgroup, which was very successful, to an even more successful pre-school. I am very proud of it, especially when parents are falling over themselves to get their child on the waiting list. Many groups have fallen by the wayside over that 15 years which has been very sad. So I suppose to be still around and thriving is a great achievement too.



Mine has to be going for jobs at my age and being offered them ,it has given me a lift from the previous year!!


Wow, some fabulous achievements here!


The image of an elective mute finally asking for help gave me a lump in my throat. Those moments are so precious......


In a few days, I may be able to say that my bit work achievement this year is to finish my latest manuscript for the Can-Do Club. I'm almost, almost there, but not quite! (but very proud of how it's looking!)


Watch this space...... :o


As for the children in our preschool co-op, they've all done so well this year. Sadly, they are all moving on, or have moved on, to other things, so we're not continuing next year. But we still have regular playdates and get-togethers (except with the one who moved to another state) and it's wonderful seeing how grown up they have all become. From toddlerhood to 'big almost-four year olds'. Sigh......




You should be very proud of your achievements. It must be very satisfying for you.


Oldtimer - congratulations. All these job offers must be giving you a huge boost of confidence.


Trea - very brave of you!


Hotgoss - well done! I'm sure your experience will inspire others with 'old NNEB's'


It's great to read such positive stories. Nice one Susan for starting this :o Just what we all need at the end of a long school year.


I think Steve and Helen should be proud for creating this place that we all come to-how else would we have all go to 'know' one another.




Best thing this year was finding this site. I suddenly realised that i was not alone and there were others just as passionate about the early years as I am. It has been good to have a sounding board and a soapbox to make my views heard.


Thank you once again!!!!!!!


My golden achievement was handing in my notice before half term........ you may not think it's a golden achievement but for me it's a big one.


i've decided to retake my GCSE Maths and English in order to secure my place at Uni next year 2006! I'm going to do a BA in Education at Chichester specialising in none other than the FS.


I've been a frustrated NNEB and tried ADCE but that wasn't enough.... going to do teaching now.....yipee....


I guess the real golden achievement goes to all of us for surviving another year of planning , proflies, and OFSTED for those who have had one.


So I won't be 'seeing' you guys much over the next year, but will pop in now and then to see what's occuring in the world of FS.

Thanks for making me feel so welcome on this site, I'll miss it :o


Love Jo


That's a real shame Jo - we'll miss you and your conversation. Come back the following year though! It'll be good to hear your experiences with the degree course! :)


Good luck Jo! :D We'll be hearing a lot more from you in years to come instead......! :D Goodness knows how many posts Sue will have got to by then. :o


Following Jo's lead ..... my biggest achievement this year was to finally pluck up the courage to resign from pre-school after 4 years as leader. It was a HUGE (and very scary) decision to make. I now have only 8 working days left and whilst I have no regrets whatsoever, I have mixed emotions about what I have done.


I feel I need a total break from childcare for MANY reasons but I don't yet know for how long.


I have enjoyed chatting you everyone on this site and have been helped many times by advice given by all of you.





I probably understand, but would say - come back. please - you have lots of experience, and, ....hey... This life is addictive, if the website isn't!!! :o


Please come back and say Hi, from time to time, anyway. :D


Sue :D

Guest Tracey F

So you want me to blow my own trumpet then?? :o Really? xD

Ok - my threshold application went straight through, and I have just been accepted as a Leading ICT Teacher in our cluster. I had to have a lesson observed last week, for which I took the Y1 class, and it went SO well, the kids were great, the computers all worked, and I only had to change one ink cartridge!

So now I get to spend a couple of days each term supporting other teachers with their ICT. (Oh and I might get some new gadgets for my classroom too!) :D

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