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Its Worksheets Again!

Use of worksheets in pre-school  

142 members have voted

  1. 1. Has your setting used worksheets during this academic year?

    • Yes
    • No
  2. 2. Which statement best describes your group?

    • Childminder
    • Full day care
    • Pre-school/Playgroup with extended care
    • Reception class
    • Sessional Pre-school/Playgroup

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Had an observation where My reception paired up leaves in 2's to make a Jack in the beanstalk game. They were counting non stop through the activity and one little boy counted to 30 in 2's and another said it was odd and evens like his sister did

They did tire of the activity before they got to the top of their beanstalk however, but I was pleased with the counting that was happening. My feedback was that it was poor, and I got the impression that no maths was seen! because it wasn't an obvious maths worksheet!!!!



I'm guessing the activity was observed by someone else and not you. If so, how sad the 'success' of the activity was not recognised by the observer.



Hi there. I have never replied to anything on here before so here goes! I haven't used work sheets this academic year. I am a nursery nurse working in a children's centre.



Hello Julie, thought you'd slip in quietly eh? Thanks for your first post, now that's out the way, look forward to many more.

just like to extend a warm welcome to the forum. :o



Hi there. I have never replied to anything on here before so here goes! I haven't used work sheets this academic year. I am a nursery nurse working in a children's centre.

Welcome to the Forum, Julie!


Thanks for adding your vote.




Done the poll but just thought.... did do a worksheet of a sort with my keyworker group who are going to school in September. They are engrossed with castles and fighting at the moment and as they are mainly boys its not unsurprising that their fine manip skills etc are not as developed as the girls. We have done loads of markmaking in various media, use the Penpals Foundation Stage book regularly too but I found a sheet from the back of a poster in an old Scholastic Nursery Projects mag where there was a Jack and the Beanstalk castle that needed the children to finish the patterns, flags , doors etc. It was a natural extension from what they had been doing, honest, and they really enjoyed it! In fact it was a good assessment tool..... Feel really guilty now!

I can scan it in and post it if you would find it helpful.

I found a sheet from the back of a poster in an old Scholastic Nursery Projects mag where there was a Jack and the Beanstalk castle that needed the children to finish the patterns, flags , doors etc. It was a natural extension from what they had been doing, honest, and they really enjoyed it! In fact it was a good assessment tool..... Feel really guilty now!


Did you hear the sharp collective intake of breath? xD:o


Bless LJW, I'm sure the children forgive you :o:(


and I wouldn't worry about scanning and posting it, may have copyright. xD




It's a good job I know you all or else I'd be hiding in a corner by now......... :(:o:(xD

Don't pick on me! It was relevant and carefully planned I promise. It was also a very rare thing to have a worksheet so there!!!! :(

It's a good job I know you all or else I'd be hiding in a corner by now......... :wacko: :(xD:(

Don't pick on me! It was relevant and carefully planned I promise. It was also a very rare thing to have a worksheet so there!!!! :(

You stick up for yourself, LJW! Don't let yourself be bullied by the anti-worksheet brigade. :o


I did my first worksheets with the children on Tuesday as part of my research. It was interesting. xD


'W' is for dolphin and ocean and snake

'Z' is for letter and storm and cutter


Can you guess the pictures from the descriptions?




Okay, whale and water are easy - struggling with snake unless it's wavy? xD Hmmm - letter could be zipcode if it's American, zigzag obviously and then I am truly stuck! :o

Okay, whale and water are easy - struggling with snake unless it's wavy? :( Hmmm - letter could be zipcode if it's American, zigzag obviously and then I am truly stuck! :o

Actually, I think it should have been waves! xD


A zip!


I could see where he was coming from: the teeth did look a bit like a pair of 'wavy' scissors! :o

  • 7 months later...
have not actually seen it in black and white but trainer was Kate Reed and she did help write the EYFS. We are doing the planning module on May 14 so will clarify it with her


Hi there,


Its not in the EYFS pack, but there is additional guidance on the CD-rom called Effective practice: Play and Exploration, which states

"Children engaged in play and exploration are learning through experience, because young children’s

development and learning, whether physical, social, emotional, moral or cognitive, requires real, handson engagement – it cannot be done by means of a worksheet. In play, children can express their

fears and re-live anxious experiences in controlled and safe situations. They can take risks and make

mistakes, try things out and make sense of relationships".


Sounds good to me!




Welcome to the Forum Gill - have downloaded that and will print it off in case I should ever need more ammunition!




I could send you a fantastic collection of the World's most boring worksheets if you wanted. They feature very regularly in our settings planning (reception). Sometimes (if they are really boring), I secretly xD bin them and do something else to meet the objective :o

I could send you a fantastic collection of the World's most boring worksheets if you wanted. They feature very regularly in our settings planning (reception). Sometimes (if they are really boring), I secretly :( bin them and do something else to meet the objective xD

Ooh tattybogle this could be a whole new thread: how I subvert the use of worksheets in my setting... :o

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