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Study Day.


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i'm new to the forum, so hello to everyone :)


i have a general qestion. am i entitled to have a study day (or two?!) if so does my tutor/college have to provide anything for my boss to see.


I'm nearing the end of my ccld Lv 3. i'e just got 2 units to completet and finish off the last few bits. i just dnt have enough time in the day and i'm sooo bored of doing it now. so a study day would help get me motivated.


Hi linzilou - welcome to the Forum!


I guess it depends on your employment contract, or your training contract if you have one. Is your boss approachable? If one of my ladies came to ask me for time to get some study done I'd certainly see what I could do to help.


Good luck - hope you get some time to get finished. What an achievement!




Welcome from me too, linzilou! :o Good luck with the rest of your studies!



Welcome rom me as well. I let my staff have study leave within reason and also at times take study leave myself (when i can fit it in) as was suggested have a nice word with your boss they can only say yes or no


Welcome from me too!

I know how difficult it can be to find the time and energy to fit everything in.I would love to be able to give my team study days.I always try to be flexible with their working hours/patterns.However it can be tricky as in a team we obviously have to provide fair and equal opportunities .If everyone studying took a study day regularly we would have no staff!

I would suggest that you talk to your employer though I am sure they will find some ways of supporting you .



This is a new one on me. What is study leave, is it where you take some of your holiday days or something different?




This is a new one on me. What is study leave, is it where you take some of your holiday days or something different?





depends on employer and their policies, some allow paid days for study when doing training often a set number in a year, some offer days unpaid for study again set allowance for the year, others have no facilities for study days, and you have to use holiday allowance -


our students take days unpaid , and arrange own cover for the day.




Hello linzilou, hope you enjoy your time on the site, it's very aaddictive. Good luck in your studies.



Hello Linzilou, agree with comments so far, really depends on your individual employment situation.

Just wanted to say a warm welcome to the forum, just think, you are nearly there and how fantastic you will feel when you are finished. Well done for getting this far in your studies. Beware though, believe it or not you may get 'post study blues' once you've finished :o What will you do with all that extra time?. Lots of topics in this forum, plus helpful, supportive, understanding fellow studyers ( I make up words xD ) to spur you on during or starting on even more courses you may like to progress to........... once you've had a well earned break of course. :(



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