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just wanted to do a quick tally - which education magazine do you subscribe to and do you find it useful?


I subscribe to Nursery World - yes it's ok, but I donm't have enough time to read it properly.


Practical pre-school....over the last 2 years but have not renewed this time. You get some nice posters and ideas but didn't get time to read everything! But you get a folder to file away bits for future reference.


EYE and Nursery Ed. Initially I did prefer the Nursery Ed however more recently I have been favouring the EYE.


Nursery World and Practical Preschool. Tended to skip through PP and file stuff never to return to it! NW I like best for the current affairs info and letters page.




Only EYE - like everyone else has said, Practical Prechool is good but I never get time to read it all! I did subscribe to Nursery Education but haven't renewed because I feel that the suggested activities are often too formal for my liking. Another magazine (free) that I enjoy reading is what used to be called the Surestart magazine - as from this month called "Early Years". Always lots of interesting stuff and links in there and it's free! It comes out about four times a year and you can subscribe from this link:





I thoroughly recommend that one! :o


Nursery world....but i have a stack of unopened ones to get through still!!!


ha ha nursery world (have a few to catch up on also) practiacl pre school and early Yeras, like them all for different reasons :o eg posters, practical ideas, up to date news and topics xD


I used to subsribe to all those mentioned above, now I just look on here for current info and ideas.

£20.00 a year and all you helpful members, wot more can u ask for. Much cheaper. :o

Practical pre-school....over the last 2 years but have not renewed this time. You get some nice posters and ideas but didn't get time to read everything! But you get a folder to file away bits for future reference.


What folder?? I've subscribed for ages! - Never seen a folder, bought my own. :o




I have NW although in the last few months - since it changed format I don't really find it very inspiring any more - I used to like a quick flick through for ideas, It was simple to read and good for staff training etc.. now it's changed and it's a if it wants to be more like the others - EYE and N ED both of which I like reading for slightly 'deeper' information, but because it [NW] comes out weekly it now seems to get left unread.




NW and EYE subscribed to NW for over 20 yrs seen lots of formats over the years I subscribe to this forum and early learning both full of info and company

like most of you I have copies yet to read


What folder?? I've subscribed for ages! - Never seen a folder, bought my own. :o




My memory is starting to go a bit.....but I'm sure it came one month with the magazine.

My memory is starting to go a bit.....but I'm sure it came one month with the magazine.

Sometimes you get a free binder when you subscribe - but I think then you have to buy them...


I get Nursery World (always open it and skim read - can't bear to have magazines unopened!) but then usually I don't go back to it unless I'm looking for something specific I've seen on the initial skim through. Of course then I can never remember which issue it was in! Its good for finding out what is happening in the here and now - and reading the letters page often gets my heart going in a "Daily Mail" sort of way!


I get EYE because often articles are in more depth and this particular publication seems to do a better job of referencing so I can always follow up something of interest to get to the original research which is vital for study. It certainly has a more scholarly air about it than any of the other magazines available.


I also get Nursery Education because its bright and shiny and a good read.


All these are on subscription - so they just arrive on my doorstep.


Sometimes I also buy the other one whose name I can't remember - Practical Professional Childcarer or something like that. Its published by Step Forward so its a familiar mix of news, activities etc with pull out sheets that you can file away (although of course I never do). I do like this because it gives a different slant and is often targeted at childminders so you get a different perspective (and the activities are differentiated for older children too so they're useful for Brownies!).


All in all I'm a bit of a magazine junkie - might need to review my spending habits for next year!


Gosh - I'm glad words are free otherwise I'd be bankrupt by now. Sorry :o



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