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What You Can Tell About Your Pencil Case?


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Well ive been to get all my uni stationary today very exciting!!

however it took me ages to decide :(

On the way home i remembered an old teacher of mine saying on the first day of term how you could tell a lot about a person from the pencil case they have chosen!!!!

MINE - well its - PLAYBOY!!!!!!! :oxD:(

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I have such a pen fetish, mine's a denim handbag!



My god, didn't think there was anyone else out there who had a pen fetish......I always have urges!!!to buy pens, pick them up if I see spares ones lying around......barclays even have free pens they give away & whenever I go in I pick a couple up....probably got more than they have now! :o So my pencil case is usually the bottom of my bag.

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Hmmm, I don't have a pencil case as such, I use a Sponge Bob Square Pants tin. xD:(


...and no I do not wear square pants, however my facial features do resemble Sponge Bob after a hectic day at work. :(


I too love pens, especially black fine line ones, I dislike ball point and blue ink. :o



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I don't just have a pen fetish I have a general stationery fetish!! Could browse for hours in Smiths! As for the pencil case? My daughter has a pencil case fetish and has had for years, probably buying 4 or more a year so I just inherit her castoffs!

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When she said a pencil case tells a lot did she expand and give you any clues as to what exactly?

Does a playboy one hint at a hidden wish? xD

Is denim a wish to move away from the establishment? :o

Is a gold digger lurking in the owner? :(

And does spongebob square pants shows a move towards a more simple child like existance? :(


I havent got one at all. Does that say I'm untidy and disorganised? :( (Hell Yeah!)

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Keep thinking I should get a new pencil case. Don't have one now - just a pencil pot crammed full of pens, pencils and highlighters. My last pencil case (I had since teaching practice and had a great attachment to it and the contents!?) was stolen from my desk drawer (which was locked) when the centre building was broken into. They caught the man that broke in but I never saw my pencil case again and I don't think it was important enough to go on list for insurance purposes! (can you tell I am still miffed about all this) :o


I agree that pencil cases can say alot about a person.


By the way, mine was red with a black spider on it - some cartoon character that was popular on children's TV and I don't like spiders all that much!

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Well, rea, having met you.... xD


Oh, yes, Peggy!! has to be black ink (rationale - it photocopies better :o ), and preferably a gel pen...........





If any of my colleagues are out there, reading this they will know IMMEDIATELY, without doubt, who 'Sue R' is!!! :(

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Pencil case what pencil case..... :o *rummages around the desk, finds it* xD ah a nice clear pencil case easy to see what I need to find. Opps its empty, think I need to do a restock ready for Friday's induction at college. :(




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Don't currently use one. When I was doing my adult learning teacher training I had a tupperware box (think it was designed to hold sewing stuff or something similar). Then my friend bought me a very narrow gold one which was designed to hold two pens, I think. Not sure where that is.


Now I just clip my Parker italic fountain pen into the spiral bind of my WHSmith academic year diary, and I'm ready for all eventualities.


But with a new year and new course, I have been looking in the Smith's sale to see what stationery bargains I can pick up. Well everything else keeps moving...



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Oh, Maz!!


You are one of the exalted ones who can keep a proper, REAL pen going!!?????!


I always managed to cross the nib! Or whatever the technical term is for 'skewing' the nib, so it writes scratchy and blotches everywhere! If you recognise the description, better declare yourself as 'old' and join me!! :o


Sue xD

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Well he didnt tell me just what it said about the person!!!! But on reflection yes it does! My hubby just laughed when I showed him! But to be honest it was a case of choosing a

fluffy one (just not me)

Coca cola (dont liek the stuff)

gold digga (a bit big)

One with cute cats on (sorry not a cat lover and they had no dogs)

something with peace and friendship(I nearly did choose that)

A very girly pink one

it took me ages :o Perhaps im becoming liberated at 45!!! xD

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Oh, Maz!!


You are one of the exalted ones who can keep a proper, REAL pen going!!?????!


I always managed to cross the nib! Or whatever the technical term is for 'skewing' the nib, so it writes scratchy and blotches everywhere! If you recognise the description, better declare yourself as 'old' and join me!! :o


Sue xD




**note to self: must ask racket if they can make 'M' pencil cases and pen sets :)

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Don't have one - I rummage in the bottom of my handbag at college hoping that I have a pen, at work rummage through the drawers in my office (sounds grand really it is a store cupboard) if not I borrow one,


I would love to have a pencil case but feel I am rebelious not having one, some may say stupid, I would loose it if I had one. xD How I ever manage pre-school and run my busy life amazes me on a daily basis!! :o

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Oh, Maz!!


You are one of the exalted ones who can keep a proper, REAL pen going!!?????!


I always managed to cross the nib! Or whatever the technical term is for 'skewing' the nib, so it writes scratchy and blotches everywhere! If you recognise the description, better declare yourself as 'old' and join me!! :o


Sue xD

So whatever you write ends up looking like a Gerald Scarfe cartoon? Fab.


Never been called 'exalted' before. I had forgotten the joy of writing with a fountain pen - but we bought one as a leaving gift for a colleague and so I treated myself. Italic nibs are hard to find these days, but I just love mine. If only Parker would sell purple ink cartridges I would be even happier!



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I have a lovley pencil case from paperchase in selfridges (pencil cases are the only thing I can afford from there) which has a blue background and lots of weird and wonderful creatures (aliens with eye patches, octopus with three eyes) on it. It is not scary as it sounds but actually very cute.

I'm so glad other people love stationary as much as I do. I've wrote in a fountain pen since leaving school (it makes my writing look so much nicer) and as a present I got an expensive waterman pen for xmas which i absolutely love. If you are anywhere near the trafford centre you should go and have a look in the pen shop (next to debenhams) as it's brilliant. I always drag my family in there each time we visit.

Maz, I love the sound of your italic fountain pen - I feel a trip to WHSmiths/Staples coming on later! :o

fountain pen which I absolutely love.

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I have a Radley black pencil case with a blue dog on it. Got it to stop ink going on the inside of my lovely black Radley bag....nose in air! :o

I have a black Radley purse (same blue dog, probably) which the girls at nursery gave me when I passed my Foundation Degree (very apt for a variety of reasons). Its probably the only designer label thing I own! I'd get the pencil case to go with it, but that would give a totally false impression!



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