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Everything posted by kathrynlovesrecycling

  1. Per government info here, "You will not be eligible if your child does not usually live with you." so it looks like unfortunately they won't be able to use the 30 hours
  2. We alternate savoury and fruit snacks, for fruit it's whatever we've ordered (normally citrus, apple, banana, melons, pears, sometimes berries, and prioritising baby room for the softer fruit), and for savoury it's things like breadsticks and crackers. We also offer milk, and encourage the older ones to do things for themselves like pouring milk, buttering crackers etc. We're open all day so have morning and afternoon snack.
  3. Is it this one from the Birth to 5 Matters website?
  4. We ask parents to wear masks at drop-off/collection, and to stay well back wherever possible. Many of us are wearing masks in the setting since returning on Monday as well. Just fyi to everyone - face shields/visors don't really do anything unfortunately! They're meant to be worn in combination with a mask, to protect your eyes from someone coughing/spitting/etc directly in your face (eg in a medical situation, or where a child was ill). They don't prevent droplet spread like masks do, and so don't actually offer any real protection to you or to anyone else just saying as I'm always worried people will end up with a false sense of security from visors (including some of the staff in my setting who wear them, even though I've mentioned this to them lol)
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