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Everything posted by DebBrad

  1. How do we obtain any policy up-dates from Early Years Alliance ?
  2. Anybody know how we re-order more rapid lateral flow tests ? I put an order through and they said it was invalid as we do not have an outbreak situation. We are still testing each week and asking parents not to send in their child if they have covid until they have two clear tests.
  3. So we have just set up a Facebook page for our parents to use, its set up as a closed group. But we do not have a separate policy for this, does anyone have a policy for FB Nursery Pages? Also have you done a separate risk assessment for this ? Great to see a copy of these if there are any....
  4. Has anyone had any training on the how to use the WellComm toolkit, if so where do we find this training? We were told training would be available but I've yet to see any ?
  5. How do we get the policy up-dates from EYA now? since moving over to the new members portal, I am unable to to do this. I e-mailed the EY in December and they sent me all the policies and their up-dates, so I was able to up-date all our policies. But surely we should be able to access up-dates on the new systems, like we used to on the old one.
  6. We have received our Rapid Lateral Flow Tests, is everyone doing the tests twice a week? We are such a small pre-school, with only three staff, we were thinking that one test per week would be sufficient, plus two of us have had the vaccine!
  7. How to add them using Tapestry
  8. We have just been told by our committee that they would like us to wear masks at drop off and pick up. I wasn't sure to begin with as like you, couldn't see the point as almost all our children walk by themselves into pre-school. BUT as you pointed out it does show the parents this is a serious situation,! we have visors and masks. I have decided to wear a visor so at least the children can still see my welcoming smiley face!!!! LOL We have also told all our parents to wear masks at pick up and drop off.
  9. Yes we are staying shut until next week and doing exactly the same, it's looking like we will only have two members of staff most days, so we will be opening for a small number on reduced hours to.
  11. I can no longer check the policy up-dates on the EYA web-site. I signed up to the members portal and the message says they are experiencing technical difficulties with digital downloads. How are we supposed to check up-dates on policies ?
  12. DebBrad


  13. How is everyone managing not mixing groups of children? The guidelines say not to mix groups of children, how do we manage that when we have different children in each day ? we are very small and only have a maximum of 12 children in at the moment, we only have one room so very difficult to split them, but we do have a large outside space which we will be using. We can't avoid mixing them though ?
  14. DebBrad


    No not a terrible idea at all, think we will be doing the same !!
  15. Yep I'm 50++ and half my staff to !! we only have four staff...
  16. oh my goodness, I am 50++ and only have three staff which half are 50 !!
  17. DebBrad


    Thanks guys good to know what others are planning, just wish there were clearer guidelines 'as always'. I make my play dough the old fashioned way, on the stove!! What about colour pencils etc, we have a large tray which we usually put out, I was wondering whether to ask parents to supply a pencil case with pencils in for their child, that is what our school is doing.
  18. I make my playdough the old fashioned way, on the stove. 


  19. DebBrad


    Hi all, Just wondered what peoples plans were for introducing more resources in September, like play dough, water, sandpits, dressing up cloths, books, soft furnishing etc.. are we able to re-introduce these? With the resources which are difficult to clean, (like our cabinet of large wooden blocks) do we still have to rotate them every 72 hours?
  20. We are a tiny pre-school with only 4 staff and now only 16 children!! Our deputy supervisor has just handed her notice in so we are now down to three staff, which is fine with the amount of children we have each day. A couple of questions..... Does our committee need to carry out an exit interview? if so are there templates for these? Can the deputy supervisor role be split between two staff, so a named deputy each day. Can a named deputy supervisor be a level 2 but with 10 years experience/service in our setting?
  21. I've looked at the Government Guidlines for the wider opening of schools in September, is here going to be any for the Early Years?
  22. So it looks like we will be re-opening in June but just for 8 children as we only have two members of staff, one of the children has Asthma, (mild not not severely) other than sticking to their individual Asthma Plan and risk assessment , are there any other new guild lines on children returning to school/pre-school who have Asthma. Our school has just informed one mother that if her child (who has Asthma) returns to school then she will not be able to play with other children and she will be looked after by two members of staff throughout the day. Not sure where they got these guidance from, think they have risk assessed it and made their own judgement, obviously the mother is not sending her child back to school, but the Mother wants to send the younger sibling of this child back to our pre-school !!! She will have to stay at home with the older child so surely it would be safer to keep the younger one at home as well. But I know she will be pushing for her to come back to pre-school, as she is currently working from home and finding hard with three children!! It's so hard to know what to do as you want to help the Mother, and I know the Little Girl is desperate to come back, but we also have to minimise any health risks!
  23. Thank you , after more discussion and debates it's now looking like we will not open, I'm so relieved, I think its the safest decision for everyone. I know we have to notify our LA if we remain closed, but do we have to notify Ofsted ?
  24. Yes they are but they all have their own children etc! So are unable to help !!!
  25. We are a small committee run pre-school, we only have 4 staff of which three are not keen on returning on 1st June, our Committee say we have to open and we will need to look at temporary staff for the summer term if our permanent staff do not come back, not sure how this is going to work? I'm praying at least two staff say yes to returning to work! This is all so stressful
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