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  1. Before generating your first invoice, we would recommend making sure you have your Invoice Configuration section filled in. This is where you can set what information is displayed in the header and footer sections of all PDFs you generate of invoices on your account. Here you can also the default due date for your invoices, which is the number of days after an invoice is generated that it becomes due. You can read more about how to do this here. Once you've completed these configurations, you can now generate your first invoice. If you want to generate invoices one at a time, then please have a look at the steps in this tutorial. Otherwise, if you want to bulk generate your invoices, go to Management System (1) > Finance (2) > Invoices (3) > and select 'Bulk Invoice' (4). You'll then be presented with a list of children that don't have an invoice within the selected date range. To change the invoice period you can either click on the current month to select a new month (1), or use a custom date range (2). You can also filter the list by room if you'd prefer (3). The invoice date will default to the current day (4) and the due date will generate depending on your due date config settings (5) but if you need to amend either of the dates just click in the relevant box. You will be able to preview the invoices (6), which will open up in a new tab. But if a child doesn't have a set bill payer then you won't be able to generate their invoice here (7) - please look at this tutorial for details on how to assign a bill payer. All children will be selected and you can de-select them if needed by ticking the box next to their name (8). You can 'Cancel' (9) and go back to the previous screen. Otherwise, when you're happy to proceed, click on 'Generate' (10). A popup box will then appear confirming the invoice details (1) and how many children an invoice will be generated for (2). 'Cancel' to make any changes on the previous screen (3) or proceed by clicking on 'Generate' (4). Once all of the invoices have finished generating you'll see a confirmation screen and message about the invoices that were successfully generated and any that could not be, along with the reasons (1). Next, you'll likely want to send them. To do this head to the unsent invoices (2) and follow this tutorial on sending invoices in bulk. (If you want to send invoices individually then you can refer to this tutorial instead.) If you have any questions about this please get in touch at customer.service@eyfs.info. Back to Main Tutorials Page
  2. In this tutorial we are going to look at how to navigate the 'Invoice Overview Report' screen. Through here you will be able to see and export a report/s relating to your invoice data. First, start by heading to the Management System tab (1). Then, click 'Reports' (2) and 'Invoice Overview' (3). Here you will see a graph displaying your paid and unpaid invoice amounts. Along the bottom, you will see the month that is the invoice date (1), whether the invoice within that period has been paid or unpaid (2), and along the left hand side the value (3). Hovering over the bar will show you the breakdown of the of the invoice. Along the bottom you can also see the invoice date (1), the total cost of the invoices for that month (2), how much has been paid (3) and how much is unpaid (4). Use the scroll bar along the bottom to move along the months if needed (5). At the top of the screen you can choose to view this data by year (1) or, you can choose a custom month (2). When you choose the month/s, you will see the data appear relating to the period you have chosen. To export the data showing on the screen, select 'Export Table to CSV' (1). Please note, the CSV will only include the data you have selected from the date picker. The CSV layout will appear as it does on the 'Invoice Overview Report Screen' with the invoice date, the total of the invoices, and the paid and unpaid amount. And that is how to navigate the 'Invoice Overview Report' screen. For further support, please contact us at customer.service@eyfs.info. Back to Main Tutorials Page
  3. In this tutorial, we will look into the 'Attendance' report feature on Tapestry. If you are using the 'Online Register' feature to sign children in and out of your setting, as well as mark absences, you can now obtain a report that can be used to monitor children's attendance and identify patterns. The 'Attendance' report is accessible by clicking on 'Management System' (1), then 'Reports' (2), and finally 'Attendance' (3). By default, the system generates the attendance report for the current day and for the entire setting. However, you can obtain a report for a period of your choice by changing the date range (1) or using the month picker option (2). Additionally, you can narrow down the results by filtering by 'Room' (3). At the top you will see a graphic which shows your attendance percentage for that period (1) as well as the number of days booked, percentage of days attended and absence percentage (2). It is also possible to see the report results listed by child in a table below, along with the detailed attendance/absences numbers and percentages (3). If you wish to keep a record of the attendance report you've just generated, you can export it as a CSV file by clicking 'Export Table to CSV' (9). That's all for now! We hope you found this helpful. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at customer.service@eyfs.info, and we’ll be happy to help you. Back to Main Tutorials Page
  4. This guide covers how to export and print a PDF staff register to use as a Paper Register from the Tapestry Booking system. If you're looking for the Online Staff Register, please refer to this tutorial instead. In order to access and use the staff register you'll first need to set up Booking on your account. So if this hasn't been done yet, a manager can set up Booking by following these steps. To access the register, go to Booking (1) > Registers (2) > Staff (3). From here, you can select the date/s you'd like the register to include (1), and click on 'Layout Options' (2) to change these options: you can choose between a daily and weekly register (3); to include three additional blank rows (4); to have a notes field (5); and whether you'd like staff on the register to be listed by first or surname (6). Once you're happy with your selections, click to generate the register (7). Depending on your layout options, it will look something like this: And that's it! If you have any questions please email us at customer.service@eyfs.info and we'll be happy to help. Back to Main Tutorials Page
  5. Hi @Tweetinat, Just to let you know that the partially deleted status is now live on Tapestry. This means when you go to delete a child, you'll see the option is now called 'deactivate'. When you select this, you'll be presented with three different choices, one of which is to partially delete the child. If you choose to partially delete a child, their personal data will be deleted but any data required for financial, attendance or accident reporting will be kept. This tutorial will talk you through this process. Best wishes, Emily
  6. Hi, It's now possible to make edits to a photo within the Android app! Once you have uploaded a photo you just need to tap on it and then tap on the paintbrush icon in the top left-hand corner. This will then bring up the editing options. We are still working on adding this functionality to the iOS app. If you are using iOS devices, do let us know and we can keep you updated with any progress we make on adding this. Best wishes, Emily
  7. Hi, I'm afraid this is not something we are currently working on adding to Tapestry but it is on our list of things to look into adding and I've feed this back to the development team that this is something you would like to see on Tapestry and how you would like this to work. Thanks for your feedback! Best wishes, Emily
  8. To split group observations on the Android app you will need to ensure you have updated your app to at least version 5.3.0 to access this feature. If you want to split group observations on the browser version of Tapestry, please have a look at this tutorial instead. Once logged in, tap on the group observation you'd like to split. Then scroll down to the bottom of the screen and tap on the last option at the bottom of the page, 'Split observation' (this option will only appear on group observations). After selecting option to split the group observation you'll then be taken to a screen where at the bottom you will see a list of all the children that are currently included in the observation (1). To split the whole observation just select 'Split All' at the top (2). This will split the observation straight away so each child in the observation will then have their own individual observation. If you want some children to remain in the original observation and you just want to split off a few children, you'll need to use the option 'Split Ticked' (3). To just split off some children from the observation, you'll firstly need select the children you want split off (1) and then just choose the 'Split Ticked' option (2). After you have chosen either option (to split the whole observation or just split off some children), you'll be taken back to the main Threads page and you will now see the duplicated observations in the list. So, that's it! We hope you found this tutorial helpful. Back to Main Tutorials Page
  9. Hi, I'm getting in touch to let you know the ability to export online register data for children from Tapestry as a CSV is now live! This tutorial talks you through how you can do this from your account. We hope you find this addition helpful. Do let us know if you have any further feedback. Best wishes, Emily
  10. Hi, Just a quick message to let you know the ability to export online register data for children from Tapestry as a CSV is now live! This tutorial talks you through how you can do this from your account. We hope you find this addition helpful. Do let us know if you have any further feedback. Best wishes, Emily
  11. Hi Emma, I'm getting in touch to let you know the ability to export online register data for children from Tapestry as a CSV is now live! This tutorial talks you through how you can do this from your account. We hope you find this addition helpful. Best wishes, Emily
  12. To export data from the Staff Register as a CSV, you will firstly need to navigate to the 'Management System' tab at the top of the screen (1). Then, from the left-hand menu, you'll need to select 'Exports' (2) and in the 'Registers' section (2), choose the 'Staff Register CSV Export' option (3). On the export page you just need to choose what date range you want covered by the CSV (1). By default it will be for the month you are currently in, but you can set the range as whatever works best for you. Then just click on the 'Generate CSV' button (2). The CSV will then be downloaded to your browser or device. When you open the download it will look something like this: So, that's how to export staff register data as a CSV. We hope you found this tutorial helpful! Back to main tutorials page
  13. Hiya, We're sorry to hear you are having a few issues with Tapestry at the moment. Please do be assured we do always try and test all updates/changes as thoroughly as possible before they are released. We've not made any changes recently to drafts or how photos are attached to observations on Tapestry, so we can look into these for you could you drop us an email to customer.service@eyfs.info confirming what device/s you are experiencing these issues on and what app version they are running (this can be found at the bottom of the app login screen). In terms of the development matters not appearing on all devices the first thing to check is that you have the latest app version installed on all your devices. We generally find the easiest way to check is to search for Tapestry on the App/Play store and see if the option to update the app is there. If they are all up to date, again could you drop us an email confirming what devices you aren't seeing them on. Hopefully we can do some investigating and get these issues sorted for you so you can get back to using Tapestry smoothly as normal. Best wishes, Emily
  14. On Tapestry you can bulk export invoices for an individual child, or for a group of children. There are two ways you can do this: through the Management system on Tapestry or through the Manage Children page on the Control Panel. I'll go through both in this tutorial. Let's start by looking how to do this from within the Nursery Management system on Tapestry. Click on 'Management System' at the top of the page (1) and then once you're in the management system, you just need to select 'Exports' from the left-hand menu (2) and from the export options, choose 'Invoice PDF export' (3). This will link you to an 'Export Invoices' page within the Control Panel. You will now need to select the children you want to export the invoices for. This will bring up a pop-up where you can search for specific children (1). Once you've found the child/ren you want to export the invoices for, you simply need to select their names by using the tick boxes (2). When you're finished, hit 'Done' at the bottom (3). Now that children are selected you will see them listed below (1). You can remove any children selected by accident by clicking on the 'X' button by their name (2). You can also add more children just by clicking on 'Select Children' again (3). To proceed to the next stage, select 'Export' at the bottom (4). The other way to export children’s invoices is from the Control Panel. Any manager can navigate here by clicking on their name in the top right-hand corner (1) and selecting 'Control Panel' from the drop-down (2). Once on the Control Panel, go to the 'Manage Children' page from the left-hand menu (3). From the Manage Children page, select the child/ren you want to export the invoices for from the list (1). When you do this, you will see a pop-up box appear in the bottom right-hand corner. From there, select 'Bulk export invoice PDFs' (2) and press 'Go' (3). This will take you to the same export screen you see if exporting through the management system. Here you can confirm your selection of children (1) and then continue with the export (2). After clicking 'Export' for either method, you will then see a message confirming the invoices have been queued for exporting. To see if they are ready to download straight away, select 'View your Downloads' (1). If they aren’t ready, check again later by selecting “Downloads” from within the Control Panel (2). On your Downloads page, you will be able to see your invoice export (1). The file name will be 'invoice-export-[date you exported the invoices].zip'. Underneath you can see how long you have left to download the invoices (2) and whether any other managers on the account have downloaded it (3). To save the invoices onto your own device/s, just click the 'Download' button (4). The files will be downloaded together as a ZIP file. You will need to extract the invoices from the ZIP file and you can then save them onto a device. Go back to Main Tutorials Page
  15. This tutorial will talk you through how to apply a discount to a child within the Nursery Management system on Tapestry. Before you are able to do this, you will firstly need to set up discounts on your account. This tutorial talks you through how to do this. To apply a discount to a child you will need to navigate to 'Management System' at the top of the screen. Then head to 'Children' (1), select a child (2) and click on their 'Finance' tab (3). On the right-hand side you will see the section for discounts. To apply a discount, click the pencil icon (4). From the drop down menu (1), select which discount you want to apply. Once this has been selected, you will see the details of the discount underneath. The discount will apply to future invoices that are created, as confirmed next to the 'i' icon (2). Click 'Save Changes' when you are happy to proceed (3). See the discount added to the child's account. To edit a discount that is already applied to a child's account, navigate back to their page. You can do this by going to 'Children' (1), select the child (2), and head to their finance tab (3). Then, click the pencil icon next to the discount (4) to change it. Don't forget to click 'Save Changes' when you are done. Go back to Main Tutorials Page
  16. In this tutorial we will be going through how to add and edit discounts through the Nursery Management feature. As a setting, you may have different discounts you want to apply to different children. This could be from sibling discounts to staff discounts. Let's get started! Adding discounts Start by going to the 'Nursery Management' tab at the top of the page (1), navigate to 'Config' on the left hand side (2), and then 'Discounts' (3). Any discounts that have already been added will appear on this page (1). To add a discount, select 'Add Discount' (2). In the pop-up box, you can add the details of the discount. Start with the name (1) and then add the discount as a percentage (2). You can also choose to make the discount 'Active' or 'Inactive (3). You may be setting the discount up in advance so may choose to make it inactive for the time being. It will be active by default. Then, you will need to choose which type of booking or charge you would like to apply the discount to (4). You can select as many of these needed. The options are; Bookings on regular schedules, Extra bookings, and Regular schedule extra charges & ad-hoc extra charges. When you are happy with the details, select 'Save Discount' (5). Back on main discount screen, you will see each discount along with its details. You can see the name (1), the percentage of the discount (2), its status (3), and what the discount is applied to (4). To show any of your inactive discounts, tick the box 'Show Inactive' (5). Now that you've added a discount, you will be able to apply it to individual children. Editing discounts To edit a discount, navigate back to Config > Discounts (1). Then, select the pencil icon next to the discount you want to edit (2). When the pop-up box appears, make your necessary changes and click 'Save Discount' when you are done (1). Please note that any changes made to the discount will only affect new invoices for the children with the discount. You will see it updated on the discounts screen. Something else to note is that if you make a discount inactive, then it will be removed from all of the children who have it applied to their accounts. If you make it active again, you will need to return to the children's dashboard and add it again through their finance tab. So that's how to add or edit a discount on Tapestry. This tutorial then talks you through how you can apply a discount to a child. Go back to Main Tutorials Page
  17. In this tutorial, we are going to look at how to login to the app version of Tapestry, if your setting has Multi-Factor Authentication enabled. If you have already entered a 2 Factor-Authentication code you shouldn’t be asked again for 30 days, unless your IP address changes (i.e. you’re logging in from a different location). This means that when you login to Tapestry via a web browser using a MFA code, you wouldn't then be asked for a code to login to the app if the device used the IP address as the browser. If you tried to login to your account using a different IP address, you would be asked for a code again. To start, login to the app using your email address and password as normal. You will then be asked to enter the Authentication code which will have been sent to your email address. Be sure to check your junk/spam folder in case it goes in there. Enter the code into the 'Authentication Code' (1) box. If you need a code resent to you, select 'Resend Code' (2). As mentioned, the code will only be valid for 10 minutes. Once the code has been retrieved from your emails and you have entered it into the box, you will notice the 'Validate' button has now been highlighted blue, and you can tap this to authorise your login (1). You will then be logged into your Tapestry account. If you need any further support, contact us on customer.service@eyfs.info. Back to Main Tutorials Page
  18. In this tutorial, we are going to look at how to login to the Android app version if your school/setting has enabled Multi-Factor Authentication. If you have already entered a 2 Factor-Authentication code you shouldn’t be asked again for 30 days unless your IP address changes (i.e. you’re logging in from a different location). This means that when you login to Tapestry via a web browser using a MFA code, you wouldn't then be asked for a code to login to the app if the device used the IP address as the browser. If you tried to login to your account using a different IP address, you would be asked for a code again. To start, login to the app using your email address and password as normal. You will then be asked to enter the Authentication code which will have been sent to your email address. Be sure to check your junk/spam folder in case it goes in there. Enter the code at the top (1). As mentioned, the code will only be valid for 10 minutes. If you need a code resent to you, select 'Not received your code?' (2) and follow the on screen steps. You can also return back to the main log in page if needed (3). Once the code has been retrieved from your emails and you have entered it into the box, you will notice an 'Authenticate' button has appeared, and you can tap this to authorise your login (1). You will then be logged into your Tapestry account. If you need any further support, contact us on customer.service@eyfs.info. Back to Main Tutorials Page
  19. If Multi-Factor Authentication has been enabled by a manager on your Tapestry, this tutorial will talk you through how to access your account. Begin by logging into your account from tapestryjournal.com using your email address and password as normal. The following screen will then appear. An email will also be sent to you with your Two-Factor authentication code (2FA). If you don't see the email in your inbox, please check your junk/spam folder. If the email isn't in your inbox or spam folder, you can click 'Email not arrived? Send a new code' (1). When you receive the email, this is what it will look like: You will find your 6 digit code (1) that you will need to enter into the authentication page. Please note that the code will only be valid for 10 minutes (2), so we recommend doing it as soon as possible. Once you have entered the code into the 'Authentication code' box, click 'Validate' (1). You will then be logged into your Tapestry account. Once you’ve successfully entered a 2FA code you shouldn’t be asked again for 30 days, unless your IP address changes (i.e. you’re logging in from a different location). This means that when you login to Tapestry via a web browser using a MFA code, you wouldn't then be asked for a code to login to the app if the device used the IP address as the browser. If you tried to login to your account using a different IP address, you would be asked for a code again. So, that is logging into your account using Multi-Factor Authentication. If you need any more support, you can contact us by emailing customer.service@eyfs.info. Back to Main Tutorials Page
  20. In this tutorial we are going to look at how as a manager, you can enable Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) on your Tapestry account. This will add an extra layer of security to your users’ logins. Once enabled, users will be emailed an authentication code that they must enter in order to continue with their login after entering their username and password. After successfully entering a 2FA code, a user won't be asked again for 30 days across the apps and browser, unless their IP address changes. Begin by making sure you are logged into the browser version of Tapestry. Then, head to the control panel by clicking your name (1) and then Control Panel (2). Next, select Settings (3) and then Multi-Factor Authentication (4). On this page you will be able to Enable/Disable MFA for Manager (1), Full Staff (2) and Relative (3) users. Select 'Enable' for the relevant users (4). PIN only staff will not need to worry about this as they do not login to Tapestry with an email address. Please ensure that your users are registered with the correct email address, and that their email address can receive messages. Users without access to their email will not be able to log in to Tapestry if two-factor authentication is enabled for their type of user. And that is how to enable MFA on your account! We hope you found this tutorial helpful. If you have any questions, contact us on customer.service@eyfs.info. Linked below you can find tutorials for staff on how to use MFA to login to Tapestry on the browser, Android app and iOS app. Parents can find tutorials on how they can login with MFA on the parent tutorials page. How to use Multi-Factor Authentication - browser How to use Multi-Factor Authentication - Android app How to use Multi-Factor Authentication - iOS app Back to Main Tutorials Page
  21. In this tutorial we are going to show you how to add a billing address for a child to appear on their invoices. Please note, you can only have 1 billing address per child but it can be changed at any time. The first thing you will need to do is log in via a browser and then head to the 'Management System' section of Tapestry (1). Once here, select the ‘Children’ tab (2) on the left and then choose the child whose billing address you want to add (3). From the child’s dashboard, navigate to the ‘Finance’ tab (4) In the bottom right-hand corner you will see the Billing Address section (1). Just click the pencil icon to add the address (2). This will bring up a new modal where you can input the bill payer’s name and the billing address. When you’re done, just click ‘Save Address’ You will now see the child’s billing address has been saved. From now on, any new invoices you generate for this child will include this name and billing address at the top of the PDF. It will look something like this: Back to Main Tutorials Page
  22. The ability to record payments and see a child's account balance was added to Tapestry on 11/12/23. If you have already started using the Nursery Management system on Tapestry, you will notice some changes as to how this works with the addition of these new features. I'll run through these changes in this post. New invoice format option As part of this new release we have included a new format option for your invoices, so you may want to consider this before generating any more invoices on your account. You can access this from the 'Config' section (1) -> 'Invoices' (2). It's called 'Balance Brought Forward' (3). If you have this enabled, at the bottom of all your invoices you will see a line that says 'Balance Brought Forward' and it will show the child's account balance at the time of the invoice creation. To see what this would look like click on the 'Show Example' button (4). New 'Finance' tab on a child's page When you go the 'Children' tab on the left-hand side menu and click on a child's name, you'll notice the previous 'Invoices' tab has been replaced with 'Finance' (the other tabs remain unchanged). If you click on the new Finance tab, you'll see a green box with an announcement about the new account balances functionality. Once you've read this you can click on the 'X' to stop displaying it (1). Previously the Invoices screen here showed a list of all invoices for a child. You'll see there are now two different tabs, one called 'Transactions' (2) and the other called 'Invoices' (3). The transactions tab will show you a list of all payments and invoices for the child, with the most recent transaction appearing at the top. The Invoices tab displays just the invoices for the child as the Invoices screen did before. Let's look at the Transactions tab in more detail. Here you can see: A. The date of the transaction. B. What type of transaction it is, either an invoice or a payment (if it's a payment it will show what type of payment). C. The amount. If this is in orange it shows an account deduction, so the parent owes you money. If it is green this means money coming in to you, the setting. D. The account balance after the transaction. Each individual transaction can be clicked on to see more information. Any invoices you created for a child prior to account balances and payments being enabled will display here (E). You may notice there are some 'Other payments (F). These are system generated payments for invoices that have been previously marked as paid. This is to ensure that your account balance is correct for your historical invoices going forward. In the top right-hand corner above the list of transactions or invoices, you can choose to show any cancelled transactions/invoices (4) and add a new invoice or payment for the child (5). I've linked below the tutorials that talk you through how to do both of these things. Invoices: Generating an invoice Invoices: Recording payments On the right-hand side of the screen you will be able to see the current account balance for the child (6), the child's bill payers (7) and the child's billing address (8). The account balance you see here will take into account any previously generated paid and unpaid invoices for a child. If there are any outstanding invoices for the child you'll see the account balance will be negative. The tutorials underneath explain these features in more depth. Invoices: Account Balances Invoices: Assigning Bill Payers Invoices: Adding/editing a billing address for a child Changes to the Finance tab There are a few changes and additions to the 'Finance' section (1) in the left-hand side menu. The 'Invoices' screen (2) is still there, with a few small alterations which I'll go through. Also, There is now a new Account Balances screen (3). I'll go through the changes on the Invoices screen first. This screen looks very much the same as it did before, but instead of a 'Status' column there are now two different columns. The first, Payment (1), shows whether the invoice is unpaid, paid or partially paid and the second one shows if the invoice has been sent or not (2). As I mentioned earlier, you can now record payments for children on Tapestry. You can do this from the Finance page for an individual child, as shown above, and you can also do this from here. To add a payment from here, just click on the cog button for a child that has an invoice in the period you are viewing (3). Then from the drop-down, select 'Add Payment' (4). The Account Balances screen (1) is completely new with this release. This screen shows you each child (2), their current account balance (3), when their most recent invoice was and how much it was for (4) and when their last payment was and how much it was for (5). Please see this tutorial for more information about Account Balances on Tapestry. New Extra Charges screen As part of this release we have included another new screen. This page allows you to see the number of extra charges for any given day and week. This can be found from 'Rooms' (1), then either selecting to view the whole setting or a specific room (2), then clicking on the 'Extra Charges' tab at the top (3). This tutorial talks you through the screen in more depth. Export your invoice data The last new feature included in this release is the ability to export your invoice data. You can access this from the 'Exports' tab (1), then selecting 'Invoice Data Export' (2). Here you can choose a date range (3), what children's data you want to include in the export (4) and the format type (5). Once you've done this, click 'Generate CSV' (6). To see how to do this in more detail, what the different format options are and what the CSV looks like, take a look at this tutorial. So, those are all the new additions included in this release. We hope you find them helpful! If you have any questions about them, or the Nursery Management system on Tapestry in general, please get in touch with us by emailing customer.service@eyfs.info.
  23. Hi Clare, These resources are now housed on our info site; you can find all the template we have on this page here. It's also worth bearing in mind that we have a separate tutorials page for parents which you may want to link them to. You can find this here. I hope this helps! Best wishes, Emily
  24. If your child's setting (nursery, pre-school, childminder etc.) have decided to use the Booking and Invoices features on Tapestry, they are able to book children into sessions and then invoice them accordingly. After they have created an invoice for a child, they can choose to send this to you directly via email. Once they have sent an invoice through their Tapestry account, you will receive an email with a link in that you can follow to open the invoice. The email will have the subject 'New Invoice from Tapestry'. If your child's setting have told you they have sent an invoice to you but you have not received an email, do check your spam/junk folder as it may have been filtered into there. Once you open the email you can click where it says 'View Invoice' to open up a PDF of the invoice (1). Please note, invoice emails are sent from our noreply email address, so any replies directly to the invoice email will not be received. If you have any questions about an invoice, please direct them to your child's setting. If they have set up a contact email for relatives, this will appear in the body of the email (2). As well as receiving an email with a link to your invoice, you will receive an internal notification within your Tapestry account. If you log in to the browser version of Tapestry, you'll see a bell icon in the top right-hand corner by your name. If you have a new notification, a number will show up next to this icon indicating the amount of unread notifications you have. If you click on the bell icon it will bring up a list of your notifications. You can click on the invoice notification to open the invoice as a PDF. Below you can see an example invoice. I'll go through what you can see here: At the top you will see some basic information about the invoice including: the setting name, the child's name the invoice is for, the period it covers, the invoice number, the invoice date and due date for payment. If you see some extra text/information above the 'Summary' section, this will have been inputted by your child's setting. In the 'Summary' section you will see a breakdown of the charges included in the invoice. You may see an extra section with a blue heading in the 'Summary' which breaks down the bookings that are included in a child's regular schedule. Whether you see this or not is dependent on your child's nursery/pre-school/childminder's settings. Underneath the summary you will see the total amount due. If you see some extra text/information below the 'Total to Pay' section, this will have been inputted by your child's setting. Depending on what your child's setting have decided to include on invoices, it may be spread across several pages. At the top you can see how many pages are included in the invoice. If you have extra pages, you may see a heading in blue at the top that says 'Regular Schedule Bookings'. This is a more detailed breakdown of the sessions that are included in the invoice. Back to contents page
  25. In this tutorial I'll show you how you can apply the extra charges on your account to a child's regular schedule. Extra charges can be any additional product/service/consumable that you wish to charge for, such as nappies or lunches. Before you are able to apply extra charges to a child's schedule, you'll firstly need to set these up in your Config. This tutorial will talk you through how to do this. Once you've set up your extra charges there are two ways in which you can proceed. How you proceed will depend on: A) Whether or not you have set up regular schedules for children yet. B) If you have set them up already, whether you want to edit these existing schedules or create new ones. The first way I'll go through will be the one to follow if you haven't set up children's regular schedules yet, or you want to set up new regular schedules for your children. Please find quick links for both options below: How to apply extra charges to new regular schedules How to edit existing regular schedules to add extra charges How to apply extra charges to new regular schedules To do this you'll need to go to the 'Management System' tab at the top of the page (1) and select 'Children' from the left-hand side menu (2). Then click on the child you want to add extra charges for (3). This will take you through to their dashboard. You can add a new schedule for the child either by navigating to the 'Regular Schedule' section (4) on their dashboard and clicking on the 'Change Schedule' button (5) or by going to the 'Regular Schedule' tab at the top (6). If you have already set up a regular schedule for a child but want to add a new one for them which includes their extra charges, you can proceed in the same way as above. In the 'Regular Schedule' section you'll see their current regular schedule (1). Click on the '+ New Schedule' button to proceed (2). Here you'll need to add a start date for the schedule (1) and you can also add an optional end date (2). Next you can select whether they attend during school holidays (3) and what funding type they receive (4). If you haven't set up your funding types yet, this tutorial will talk you through how. Before you are able to proceed you will need to add a start date for the schedule (5). Once you have entered a start date, the 'Sessions' section will appear (1). If you haven't previously added a regular schedule for this child, all the sessions will be blank. You can choose which session/s the child attends for each day using the '+ Add Booking' button (2). This tutorial talks you through the process of adding a regular schedule for a child in full. You can add extra charges for each day by clicking on the '+ Add Extra Charge' button (3). If you have already added a regular schedule for this child and the start date for this new schedule falls within that schedule's period, once you've entered a start date, you will see a message appears telling you the current schedule will be shortened (1) and it will show you the new dates for that schedule (2). Once you have entered a start date, and you have an existing schedule for this child, you will see your sessions are already populated with the information from the previous schedule (1). If you want you can change a session (2), the start or end times (3) or the number of funded hours (4). You can also remove the session completely from the child's schedule (5). To add extra charges for a day, just click on the '+ Add Extra Charge' button underneath the session/s (6). After clicking on the button to add an extra charge, you will be able to select one of your extra charges from the drop-down (1) and the quantity (2). If you add an extra charge by accident, you can delete it using the bin icon (3). If you need to add more than one extra charge for each day just click on the '+ Add Extra Charge' button again (4). At the bottom of the screen you'll see a 'Summary' box (1) where you can see the totals of the number of chargeable/funded hours as well as the total cost for this child for the week. You can either cancel any changes you've made (2) or save the new schedule (3). Now let's look at how to add extra charges by editing an existing schedule. How to edit existing regular schedules to add extra charges If you have an existing schedule for a child and you want to edit that as opposed to create a new schedule, you'll need to be on the 'Management System' tab (1), then select 'Children' from the left-hand menu (2) and click on the child you want to do this for (3). Once on their profile, select the 'Regular Schedule' tab along the top (4). You'll then need to click on the cog button for the schedule (5) and choose 'Edit' from the drop-down (6). If the schedule has already started you'll see a note stating that editing the schedule may affect historical bookings (1). Please note: if there are time periods within this schedule which have not been invoiced yet, the Extra Charges you add now will be included on any new invoices you create. This includes invoices for past periods. If the existing invoices cover the schedule's start to end date, the extra charges you add now will only appear on new invoices from today. You'll also notice you can't make any changes to the sessions at the moment (2). To do this, you'll need to click on the 'Edit Sessions' button (3). Clicking on the 'Edit Sessions' button will bring a pop-up box where you will need to confirm if you want to go ahead with editing the schedule (1) or start a new schedule (2). To cancel going ahead with the edits you can select 'Close' (3). You'll see that after you click to proceed with editing, you can then make changes to the sessions. To add an extra charge or charges to a day, click on the '+ Add Extra Charge' button underneath any sessions for the day. You'll then be able to select an extra charge from the drop-down (1) and a quantity (2). If you want to delete an extra charge, click on the bin icon (3). To add multiple extra charges for a day just click on the '+ Add Extra Charge' button again (4). At the bottom you will see a Summary section where you can see the total, funded, and chargeable hours (1). If you change your mind at any point you can 'Cancel' (2) or to proceed, click 'Save Schedule' (3). Go back to Main Tutorials Page
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