Hi everyone,
Recently at our setting i have been noticing that staff are using their ipads more and more and engaging with the children less. I have spoken with start surrounding this and they assure me that they are using Tapestry.
I have turned on screen monitoring on all our ipads to get an idea of the time that staff are spending on their ipads. for instance, i had a member of staff start at 8.50 and by 12.15 they had used their ipad for 2hours 4minutes. To me this seems an extremely long time to be on an ipad in such a short time. I would expect staff to be on ipads for no more than 1hour 30 minutes per day (7hours 30minute work day)
Has anyone else found that certain staff spend quite long on ipads and if so how have you dealt with this, do you set a certain amount of time staff can be on their ipads or something different?
Any thoughts or opinions would be good. I do have a staff meeting arranged with staff for tomorrow evening so i intend to bring it up then.