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AliceinWonderland last won the day on November 3 2019

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    Nursery practitioner

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  1. Ours is the other way round, a deprived area, the ones who work are grateful for any help with fees and recognise what we do is important. Its the ones who sit at home doing nothing all day that complain! We charge £2 a day so at the most they pay £6 a week if they do 3x 5 hour sessions, even though we lose about £20 a week on every funded place. This parent has now taken a different tact and decided to try and threaten me by saying their child has come home with unexplained marks! Well bring it on I say! All because she couldn't be bothered to get off her a**e and pick her child up on time!
  2. thanks anyway Louby, I've just had a big to do with a parent who's handed in notice but won't be attending any sessions during this time, they don't see why they should pay for the notice period! (only £12 is owing) no matter how many times I explain, they still think it should be free! so it's about time I got my list together. This only happened because they constantly pick up late so I said there would be a charge. there's only so many times they can say 'oh I didn't realise the time!'
  3. Hi all, I'm putting together a list of consumables and wondered what you all charge for apart from snack/food? We are full day care and parents bring their own nappies and wipes. TIA
  4. I like your sermons! I thought the same as you, half can't speak properly and hardly any have social skills any more (thanks Covid!), getting them to sit for a story is hard enough. We have some who think everything is theirs any scream if another child comes anywhere near! As for phonics schemes, it seems that the gov have now got a list of ones they approve of but have removed their own from that list. Basically saying, choose one from the list, pay for it yourself, but we expect everyone to do it with no guidance from us! Think I will stick to simple listening skills with the toddlers and basic phonics for pre-school. Think they need to learn social skills first to enable them to move on to more formal group work!
  5. Probably not the right topic area! What phonics do you do and what age do you start? I have someone saying to start in Toddler room (age 2) but i think its a bit young to start it formally. I want to refresh our knowledge and have searched the internet but there's so much, it's confusing! Any guidance gratefully received!
  6. Thanks, yes quite aware and think I possibly am already doing it for them! I am now the PVI rep for the early years strategic group and somehow got roped into being the rep for schools forum too! I can’t say no! Haha I don’t mind really, I’d rather know exactly what is going on and make sure we have a strong voice, am also challenging them on how much they top slice the 2yr funding and how they want to run a new funding portal. Lots to argue about! My mum says I’m gobby 🤣
  7. Yes, going to speak to all schools and get general consensus. And yes please! 😊
  8. Thank you everyone! I had a meeting with the LA last night and put forward my concerns and ideas and so now seem to have volunteered myself to lead a consultation within our LA to come up with a better way/document! Haha no rest for the wicked!
  9. Do you mind me asking which LA you are?
  10. We are going to continue dropping off at the door but allow parents in when it's pick up, this way we can get forms signed etc but still have the quick and easy drop off (we have also found that children have settled better)
  11. Hi all! hope you can help! In our LA, we are required to complete a transition document, set out by the Early years team, one each for every child going to school. It is usually 3 pages long and takes up quite a bit of time for the practitioners to complete as well as then trying to get parents to comment and sign and then we need to deliver to all the different schools, getting them to sign to say they have received them (all in all a very time consuming exercise) and we are getting quite aware that the schools don't seem to be interested in them. We also feel that some of the info on them is not really needed and we manage to pass more relevant info on to the schools via a phone call or visit from the teacher. My questions to you lovely people are: 1. Do you complete transition paperwork to pass onto schools? 2. if so, what info do you include? 3. which LA are you? Thank you :)
  12. Hi, Would it be possible to have something that shows parents who their child's key person is?
  13. Does anyone have a nursery dog? I'm thinking of getting a new family dog and would like to be able to take it into work with me rather than leaving it at home alone all day. thought it could sit in the office with me but occasionally see the children and they could learn a bit about care etc. I realise I would need a risk assessment and to make sure no children had allergies etc but wondered if anyone had one and how did parents react? have you come across any problems? Thanks
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