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Everything posted by anju

  1. I think so - I’m sure the guidance said to always use Feb fee income but alter the funded income as necessary?
  2. I am thinking of going down that path if for example we take more children, in a few weeks’ time, and need all staff in. Or another thought I had was staff ‘owing’ the hours and paying them back as overtime later in the year when (hopefully 🤞🏼) we are busier. Like annualised hours even though the contract doesn’t say that. Obviously a degree of trust would be required but it would maintain staff salary over the summer. I keep going round in circles with it to be honest.
  3. Can’t see any justification for not doing work from home or cleaning when the setting is closed to children if they are still getting paid! And yes it would cause resentment I can imagine.
  4. That’s really difficult. I’ve got one who doesn’t feel it’s safe so she won’t be sending her own children back and isn’t happy to work. So far, I’ve managed to sort it so she doesn’t need to work as we have very few children coming back (mostly due to parents not wanting to send them). I don’t think I will be able to furlough anyone either in June. I will pay her basic contracted hours but not any overtime. Even this will be a struggle. I don’t want to make anyone redundant as it seems so unfair but also I hope I will need them again in September or soon after and it’s really difficult to get staff. There’s always a risk they may find some else in the meantime. Even supermarkets are better paid
  5. And the rather obvious mixed message regarding the breaking of lockdown rules by a powerful person when most of us have been adhering hitherto
  6. Totally agree - will be trying one group only for three days a week for at least two weeks before Possibly introducing A second group on the other two days
  7. Yes I noticed that! Somewhat flustered...
  8. The guidance is out ... https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/preparing-for-the-wider-opening-of-early-years-and-childcare-settings-from-1-june/planning-guide-for-early-years-and-childcare-settings
  9. I’ve decided not to open til June 8th at the earliest due to no sign of the early years guidance, no reply from the insurance company and a general sense of it being too soon and too stressful. We’ll see what happens.
  10. I’m also only one setting can be attended and yes that would change the % if your funding is taken away; I hope it’s not I have one who may be doing the same because of holidays and longer days but it’s not confirmed yet. I’m sick of it too ☹️
  11. Thank you so much; I really appreciate the reassurance; you end up feeling pressurised when you know what’s unsafe in your own setting’s circumstances ☹️ I was thinking the same about a 14 day quarantine. I will wait to hear from the health visitor who decided the child was vulnerable and I will stand my ground and see how I get on.
  12. Thank you - apparently we are much better for him than anywhere else 🙄 we won’t be allowing visitors to start with anyway, whether they are speech therapists or whatever
  13. Great letter btw Lynne and my briefer messages to parents are very similar in content
  14. I am trying to go with just those leaving for school and thought that was all sorted but now having an argument with a parent of a two year old insisting her child has now been assessed as 'vulnerable' on SEN grounds (he hasn't got an EHC plan, nor is one being drafted unless it's without my knowledge.) She's managed to get a place at a different nursery until we reopen (I only found this out last week when I contacted all parents about possible reopening. The child dribbles, puts things in his mouth and has asthma. I despair. This is messing up all my plans and staffing. I've asked for the HV to contact me and I'm going to argue the toss but don't know if I can say no.
  15. That’s good of you. Lol re the invention of furlough! Mine have been on full pay since March. I know what you mean about holiday 😂😂 . We have some cheapish online courses through our LA and I normally pay extra to staff to complete them but obviously they are already being paid so it’s a good idea to get some of those done.
  16. Sounds a good plan. Have they been paid as normal throughout? Mine have so far but that won’t continue if we stay closed in June. I think we will open but only part time as well as very limited numbers. Online training is a good idea; I will get on to that. I couldn’t have mine contacting parents directly - there would be too much variety in the quality of the communication if you know what I mean 😂
  17. I’ve been trying to sort out what to do about staffing as well, especially those who don’t want to work but aren’t vulnerable and if I carry on paying them then will it cause resentment among those who will be working. Same issues as you guys. Plus the stupid furlough business. 😤
  18. It’s all such a pain isn’t it? I agree about doing the best you can in terms of the figures you use and then see what happens; I can’t imagine they’ll be forensically auditing that many people anyway, but worst case it’s a fairly low amount of money, unfortunately!
  19. Well that sounds unhelpful - I’m hoping our LA will produce something we can use as a starting point and adapt as required.
  20. OMG there’s another one today 😩 https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-early-years-and-childcare-closures/coronavirus-covid-19-early-years-and-childcare-closures
  21. This cane out yesterday but I’m suffering from Guidance Fatigue so I haven’t tried to work out what’s new in it yet https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/safe-working-in-education-childcare-and-childrens-social-care/safe-working-in-education-childcare-and-childrens-social-care-settings-including-the-use-of-personal-protective-equipment-ppe
  22. I think it's maybe more about minimising the contacts. So if your nursery child went to two settings, this would be on top of the contacts with siblings and siblings' classmates. If nursery child only came to you, this reduces the total contacts. You can't control the other interactions. That's how I'm looking at it anyway.
  23. I asked my LA for advice and they haven’t got any. I decided I’m not allowing it for the same reason you say Lynne
  24. Brilliant! I have something similar but still a working draft. I'm going to tell mine they need to reply with ‘AGREED’ otherwise their child won’t be attending.
  25. My accountant has NO idea and I have explained it all to her but I still think she doesn’t understand that we can’t just choose staff to furlough. The percentage business and then working out which staff member or members’ salary comes to the relevant amount seems beyond her.
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