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Everything posted by VannaTapestrySupport

  1. In this tutorial we are going to look at enabling fingerprint unlocking on the Android app. Begin by logging into the Tapestry app and going to 'Settings' (1) at the bottom of the screen. To enable fingerprint unlocking for your PIN, tap on 'Allow PIN unlocking with fingerprint' (1). Enter your PIN (2) and if you are happy to to confirm saving it, tap 'Yes' (3). You will then receive confirmation that you can use your fingerprint instead of your PIN. Tap OK to continue. For your password, tap on 'Allow login with with fingerprint' (1). Enter your email address (1) and password (2) and tap 'Save' (3). If you decide you do not want to proceed then tap 'Cancel' (4). You'll then be able to login to the app using your fingerprint. If you wish to disable this feature at any time, proceed back to 'Settings' and you can disable it. And that is enabling the fingerprint unlocking on the Android app. If you need any further support, please contact us on customer.service@eyfs.info. Back to Main Tutorials Page
  2. In this tutorial we are going to look at enabling either Face ID or Touch ID on the iOS app. Based on the iOS device you have will depend on the option you are given. Start by logging in to the app and tap 'You' (1) at the bottom of the screen. Touch ID For your PIN, tap on 'Use Touch ID for your pin' (1). Enter your PIN (2) and then tap 'Save' (3). When you go to enter your PIN going forward, you will be given the option to use your fingerprint. For your password, tap on 'Use Touch ID for your password' (1). Enter your password (2) and then tap 'Save' (3). When you go to enter your password going forward, you will be given the option to use your fingerprint. Face ID As before, tap 'You' (1) at the bottom of the screen. For your PIN, tap on 'Use Face ID for your pin' (1). Enter your PIN (2) and then tap 'Save' (3). When you go to enter your PIN going forward, you will be given the option to use your Face ID. For your password, tap on 'Use Touch ID for your password' (1). Enter your password (2) and then tap 'Save' (3). When you go to enter your password going forward, you will be given the option to use your Face ID. And that is enabling Touch ID/Face ID on the iOS app. If you wish to disable this feature at any time, proceed back to 'You' and disable it. If you need any further support, please contact us on customer.service@eyfs.info. Back to Main Tutorials Page
  3. In this tutorial we will be going through how to use the Monitoring Group View for the Cherry Garden Framework. The Group View screen was designed as the quickest way to monitor individual, groups of, or all children at once. To find this screen, simply click on “Tracking” (1), then find “Cherry Garden” (2) on your list of frameworks, and then beneath "Monitoring", select “Group View” (3). At the top of this screen you will see an option to “Search” (1) and the usual “Child Filters” (2) selection box. The Search box (1) is useful if you are just trying to assess one child amongst all of them on your account. If you want to filter more specifically, such as via gender, EAL, Key Person etc. then you could use the “Child Filters” (2) as you can see below. Once you have selected the children you are going to assess at this point, scroll down to the next section. Judgments against the different areas have been split into three categories: Concerns, No Concerns and Review. Very simply, this is the judgment you will assign for each area for each child, based on your knowledge of the child and the information you have collected so far. From this “totals” box, you can quickly see the distribution of these judgments for all children that you have selected (or just all children on your account if you haven’t used any filters). As you can see on my account, all 8 children are “no concerns” for all areas. That’s because “no concerns” is the default. Each of these judgements is also a link, so if I wanted to see only those children with “no concerns” in CL, for example, I could click there (1) and it will automatically filter those results for me (2). This is a helpful feature if you are only inputting judgements for a specific area at this point. If you are sitting down to make judgments on all the areas at once, you can leave the “totals” box as is, and just scroll down. Here you will see all areas for the children, and you can simply apply your judgments to each area by clicking either the “Concerns" (1), “No Concerns” (2) or “Review” (3) boxes. You will also notice some hyperlinks underneath the child’s name and each of the areas. One for Observations and one called Timeline. You can click these hyperlinks at any point and it will show you all the Observations linked to that specific area. Here you can see Abby has an Observation linked to UW. If I click there, I can review the Observations and that will help inform my judgement. The “Timeline” button shows you a chronological order of events for that area. Here you can see the Timeline for Abby’s Mathematical Development. If you wish to create a reflection for a child, you can do so by clicking 'Reflect'/'Reflect on this' beneath the Timeline. To create a general reflection, select 'Reflect' (1), or to link it to a specific area of learning, select 'Reflect on this' beneath the area (2). A new tab will open up on the reflections screen, linking the title to the Cherry Garden framework (and area if selected), as well as linking it to the child. You can proceed with writing and saving your reflection. The last things to consider on the screen are at the very bottom of the page: (1) Is your option for exporting this screen. As with most of the others, you can export this screen to PDF or CSV. (2) Is where you can change the date range for when this screen pulls in data. In other words, you can choose for it to only take into account Reflections and Observations from your “Current Assessment Period”, from the “Past 12 Months” or “All Available” So that’s how you can make your judgments on the Group View screen for the Cherry Garden framework. Back to Main Tutorials Page
  4. Hi @Tweetinat, I am getting back in touch to let you know that Full Staff users and 'PIN' only staff users can now add absences through the register! Registers are available on the browser and on both Android and IOS devices. I have attached some guides for support below: Using the Online Register for children on the Android app Using the Online Register on the iOS app Online Register for children Do let us know if you have any questions about this feature🙂
  5. In this tutorial we are going to look at how to bulk export your Care Diary data. I'll go through doing this for individual children and for multiple children. Please note, as this is done through the 'Control Panel', only managers on Tapestry will be able to export Care Diary entries. Let's start with individual children. Begin by heading to the Control Panel by selecting your name (1) and then 'Control Panel' (2). Next, navigate to 'Manage Children' (3). Select which child that you would like to export Care Diary entries for (1). Click the cog icon next to their name (2) and then 'Bulk export care diary' (3). Start by choosing which type of entry, or entries, you would like to export (1). By default, all options will be ticked. You can untick any entry types you don't want to include but you must leave at least one selected. Then, choose the time frame of entries that you want to export (2). You can choose what order these are shown in with either latest or oldest showing first. Next, you need to select how you would like to sort the PDF export (3). This can be done by date or by entry type. Lastly, you'll need to decide whether you wish to include comments (4). If you do not wish to proceed you can choose to cancel (5) or, if you are happy, select download PDF (6). The PDF will be generated through your downloads. The next screen you are taken to will allow you to 'View your Downloads' (1) or, go back to the 'Manage Children' page (2). To proceed with accessing the PDF, head to your downloads and select, 'Download' (1). This page can also be accessed through the 'Control Panel' > 'Downloads' (2). A ZIP file will then be generated which you can 'Download' (1). Once accessed (2), you can store/print the Care Diary data as needed. To export the Care Diary for multiple children, make sure you are back on the 'Manage Children' page. Select the boxes next to the children's names (1) or, if you want to select all children on the page, change 'Select Items' to 'All' (2). When the pop-up appears on the bottom right, choose 'Export care diary as PDF's' (3) and then click 'Go' (4). As before, the next page you will be taken to is where you can decide what to include in the export. At the top of the page you will see which children will be included and you can always include more by clicking 'Select Children' (1) and adding them. When you are happy with the details included, click 'Download PDF' (2). Making your way back to your downloads by either selecting 'View Downloads' on the next screen or, accessing it through the Control Panel > Downloads, click 'Download (1) to create the ZIP file containing the PDF (2). Back to Main Tutorials Page
  6. In this tutorial we will look at how you can use the Online Register feature for staff on the iOS Tapestry app. This can be accessed by Managers, Full Staff members and PIN only staff. If you want to learn how to take a register for children, please take a look at this tutorial. To open the Online Register, tap on the 'Register' button at the bottom of the screen. At the top of the page you will see the 'Children' tab (1) and the 'Staff' tab (2). For support on using the child register, look at this tutorial. For the staff register, proceed with tapping 'Staff'. You should see a list of all your staff members. Staff can be marked as 'in' or 'out' using the 'In' icon on the left-hand side (1) and the 'Out' icon on the right-hand side (2). The times they have been marked in or out will then show up under the 'Registrations' column (3). Staff who are marked as 'In' are shaded green (4) and staff who are marked as 'Out' are shaded orange (5). You can change the day you are viewing (1) and change the sorting order of the list of staff (2). If you are viewing a past register, you will see a message stating this (3). If you click on a staff members name (1), this will bring up an expanded view for that member of staff. Here you will be able to mark them as in or out (2), as well as edit the times they are registered as being marked in or out (3). Lastly, you can add register notes for them (4). In the screenshot below, I have returned to the main register screen after adding a register note. The register note is indicated by the document icon in the corner of the staff's portrait (1). Back to contents page
  7. We at Tapestry are working with a publisher, Group Hugs, to offer parents and carers the ability to purchase printed copies of their children's learning journals. This tutorial will talk you through how to purchase them. Take a look at our video below to see how they will look! To buy a printed version of your child's journal a PDF will first need to be generated. This can either be done by your child's school or setting, or you can also generate the PDF from your own Tapestry account. This tutorial will show you how to do this. Some useful things to note are: The journal needs to be exported by into PDF first. The purchase option will not appear for any other PDFs e.g. the one that can be generated by selecting multiple observations on the Observations page. We recommend including the 'cover page' in the export (this option is included by default). Group Hugs will use your child's Tapestry profile image from the cover page for the front cover of the printed book. If there is no cover page or no profile picture, then the child's photo will be replaced with an image of a tree. Start by logging into Tapestry using the web browser version through our login page, https://tapestryjournal.com/. If you have any difficulties logging in, please contact your child's teacher, key person, or childminder and they will be able to help you. Once you are logged in, click on your name in the top right of the screen (1) and select 'Your Downloads’ from the drop-down list (2). On the Downloads page you should see all downloads you have available. Click the ‘Download’ (1) button to download your PDF copy of the journal or ZIP file of the media. A reminder that you will have 90 days from when the journal or ZIP file was exported to download it, so do make sure to do this in time. To order a printed copy of the journal, click 'Order a printed book' (2). Please note, it is only possible to purchase printed copies of journals when they are between 20 and 1596 pages long. If this is not the case for your child's journal, please contact your child's school or setting. Next, you will be taken to the page where you will be able to order the book. Please read the information on this page before proceeding. You must first select both tick boxes (1) before you are able to click on 'Order Printed Book' (2). Please make sure you have read and understood those before you select them! Once you have selected this, you will get taken to the Group Hugs website where you are able to purchase the book. We have more good news! If your child has already left their school/early years setting and you have a copy of the PDF saved, then you will still be able to purchase a printed copy, it will just need to be done from the Group Hugs website. Some useful things to note here are: If your PDF does not include a cover page or the cover page only shows a silhouette placeholder image, then the front cover of the book will show a tree rather than a picture of your child. If you are uploading a PDF of a previous year directly to Group Hugs, and the PDF you have starts with an observation rather than a cover page or content pages, your printed book will show a tree instead of the child's picture, and the school name will not be shown. If you need any support with a book you have already ordered, or with the ordering process generally, please get in touch with settings@grouphugs.co.uk. Back to the main tutorial page
  8. In this tutorial we are going to cover how to add a body map to an accident entry which can be recorded through the Care Diary or Accidents features. If you need any support with enabling or adding an accident to the Care Diary/Accidents, take a look at our tutorial on this here. Before we begin, please note, this feature is only available on the version 4.2.0 and higher of the app. You can check which version of the Android app you are on by going to the app login screen, at the bottom you should see some writing at the bottom that starts 'Version...'. You will need to start by selecting 'Care Diary' or 'Accidents' (1) at the bottom of the page. To add an accident entry for a child or children, tap on their profile icons along the left-hand side (1). Once they are selected a blue tick will appear by their profile photo. A pop-up will appear at the bottom of the screen and from there tap on '+ Add Entry' (2). After doing this, a menu will appear where you will need to tap 'Add Accident' (3). Whilst filling out the details of the accident, you will be able to select 'Add body map' (1). When you tap this you will see the body map appear as presented below. Your screen will rotate to landscape so that you are able to view it at its largest size. To the right, you will see a smaller view of the screen with a magnifying glass (1). By touching a certain area with your finger, the larger body map will zoom in. This is so you can mark the accurate area of the injury. The mark will present in the colour red as exampled below as a cross over where the injury is (2). The injury can be marked however you feel it is best. You are able to mark as many areas as necessary if there are multiples areas of injury. If you mark the wrong area or would like to start again, tap 'Restart' (3). If you are finished click 'Save' (4) and if you don't wish to proceed with the adding a body map, click 'Cancel' (5). Once you have added your body map, you can rotate your device back to portrait. If at this point you decide not to include the body map, you can tap 'Remove body map' (1). If you are happy with the entry then click 'Save' (2). Don't forget you will need to add in details of the accident before you can proceed with saving it. Once the accident entry has been saved and you view it, you will see it displayed beneath 'What led to the accident'. So, that is adding a body map to an accident entry. For more information about viewing a Care Diary entry on the Android app, please see this tutorial. Back to Main Tutorials Page
  9. In this tutorial we will take a look at the 'Extra Charges' overview screen. This is where you can view your number of weekly extra charges including what they are and who they relate to. For a guide on how to add extra charges, take a look at this tutorial. To navigate to the 'Extra Charges' overview screen, you will need to start by clicking the 'Management System' option from the top menu (1), select 'Rooms' (2) and then you can either select to view the Whole Setting or a specific room (3) from the options on the left hand side. On the tab across the top of this page, you will need to click 'Extra Charges' (4) which will take you to the overview screen. On this page you can see an overview of extra charges, (defaulting to the week you are in at the top (1)) and a list of extra charges for that week (2). Looking along the week, you will see the number of daily extra charges which align with the extra charge itself (3). You will also see at the end of the week the total number of the extra charges (4). By clicking on an extra charge, you can see which child/ren it relates to. A pop-up will appear which includes the 'Extra Charge Details'. These details include the date the extra charge has been added for (1), the name of the extra charge (2) and the child/ren the extra charge relates to (3). It also shows you the breakdown in quantity of the extra charge for each child, as well as the total (4). As mentioned earlier, the 'week commencing' automatically defaults to the week you are in. To change the date and view extra charges from previous weeks, click inside the box (1) and then you can either manually enter a date (following the same format DD/MM/YYYY) or, select a date (2). You will notice that you are not able to select the weekdays Tuesday-Sunday. This is because the 'Extra Charges' screen format is a weekly view. If you would just like to see the extra charges for a particular room within your setting, you can click which room you would like to view these for on the left hand side (1). With support on assigning children to rooms, have a look at this tutorial. The screen appears the same way as it does in the 'Whole Setting' view. The only difference on these pages are that the extra charges that you can see relate to the children in that room. As mentioned previously, you can view the details of the charge, including which child it relates to, by clicking on it. To view extra charges in upcoming weeks, you can choose to do this in a couple of ways. You can either follow the same process as above, selecting the date beginning the week you wish to view or, you can click 'Load Later Weeks' at the bottom of the page (1). This will load the next 4 weeks and will continue to do so each time you click it. Go back to Main Tutorials Page
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