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I've just had a bombshell thrown at me today.

My rent is £10 an HOUR and the church have just told me that because I get a 50% discount!!!!!! they can't afford to give it to me any longer.

So over the next 4 years they will phase it out. From September my rent will be going up to £12.00 an Hour

It might not seem alot put that way but its going from £300 a week to £350. From £1200 a month to £1400

I knew that they were going to do a re-organisation of the church and did think we would be the ones to be given the most problems, I did think we would have an increase but didn't realise how much they wanted us gone!!!!!!


Oh well something I suppose will come up :(xD:o



i am not an expert in this and I am sure you have looked in to the legal side with your lease, is there anyway you can access sustainability funding through your LA. This is really disheartening for you especially when you feel they want you out. Hope all works out well.


Yes definitely try for sustainability funding. That's quite common.


Hi Steph


I'm no expert on sustainability funding (actually know nothing at all!) but you have my sympathy - lots of it!


If it's any consolation, they've put our rent up by 75% in the last year and we're a Church group, using their Church hall. As with your place, we are their main source of income. The saying 'bite the hand that feeds them' springs to mind. When I was discussing this with the financial advisor from the Borough, (I'm sure you know him!) he questioned who they could let the hall to on such a regular basis as most halls are let out in the evenings. So maybe if they thought that they had pushed you too far and there was a possibilty that their main source of income could disappear, then they might have a little re-think. It would be a huge hassle for them to have to find that level of income by advertising and it wouldn't be guaranteed like yours is.


I don't think we have a lease and I've got endless issues with our place - cleaning, safety, storage etc.etc. The one and only time our Vicar decided that it would be very nice if he, the Centre Chairperson and I met up to discuss things, it ended up with me resigning saying that the hall gave me more hassle than any other part of my job. (Not strictly true but it had impact!)


Don't worry too much please, I would have thought that you are in a strong position, and I will also see if I can find out any inside knowledge for you ........... one of my staff is very much involved with your place and I'll see what I can find out for you! :D


Thanks Janice

I know that the church is having problems, because they are going to have to find the money to do the re-shuffle. They don't have enough priest to go around and the other churches are going to shut and ours will be the main one. It's probably going to have to be extended. They seem to think that people are queuing up to rent it all day long!!!!!! haha


The sustainability fund has already been mentioned by the Borough but I just feel so fed up with all the hassles I don't feel like trying to carry on there.

We are always the bad guys if something happens it has to be us at fault all the time.

I've had tiny bits of playdough dumped in my hand as though it was the worst thing on earth to find in a sink.


I just feel that church halls don't work any more for what we do.

With al the hassles from parents each day, trying to keep track of irresponsible adults who shouldn't have children, and half the time just want to dump and run so they can go to the gym or walk round the town and spend money that they then tell me they can't afford to pay me.

Sorry feeling really fed up.

Hope that tomorrow brings a bit of good news.

Speak to you soon Janice.



Steph, know how you feel ( but I'm in a Scout Hall). In seems to be a never ending struggle doesn't it. Hopefully as the weather gets better, more sunshine and you start to do your record of transfers in the summer term, this will make you feel better and that it is all worth while. The sun just makes the day seem lovely and I always find when doing my ROT's I get a sense of pride when I realise the leaps and bounds and achievements that all the children have gained in their time with us. Hope you feel better soon. :D




Steph, you are describing everything that used to happen, and possibly still does, at the church hall I worked at. :o

Biting the hand that feeds them is a relevent thought Janice. xD

No solutions I'm afraid, but I hope you find an answer. :D:D

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