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Does anyone know from looking at the framework if there will be any knock on effects for school settings for the welfare requirements of the new framework? Our L.E.A assure us there is very little change for 3-5 year olds, but I think they are only seeing it in educational terms. I share my room with a private setting and they are following all the private 'care' requirement in terms of the paper work and I just can not do the same in all instances as I come under the school umbrella.

For example their policy is for applying sun cream, school one is not to. I can see much more of this to come, and it must be very difficult if you are a parent.



I don't have any answers yet but I am working with our group care team to iron this out so I can answer the queries my schools settings will undoubtably be asking me. I'll watch this space if I get any and pass it on. I do know that if your school policies cover the requirements you don't have to have separate ones. I'm intrigued by the seemingly different relationship that schools might have with Ofsted if they have to do all the reporting of accidents and the like....


As for ratios - well I've never had anything less than 1:13 or 1:30. Which before the infant class size regulations was 1:31,32,33,34...... sometimes with an untrained "other adult" for good measure. The get out clause for the Dcsf is that these are minimum ratios so you can have lower ones if you want to.



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