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Does anyone know where I can obtain a draft copy of the new foundation stage profile as I know one has been put together and piloted in certain areas. Thank You

Posted (edited)

Edit - just re-read your post - are you after the EYFS standards or the Foundation Stage Profiles - they are different documents.


If it's the EYFS, check out this thread... EYFS


If it's the FS profile, you'll have to wait for someone else to point you in the right direction - sorry!



Edited by Running Bunny

Hi ninafox... are you absolutely sure you mean the Foundation Stage Profile? I work for Birmingham LA and am a moderator too for the FSP and as far as I know there is no new one. If one is being piloted then I woul assume it will be a local one rather than a national.

Birmingham are piloting a Nursery Profile but again this is local for Brummies.


Hi Apple - what's the nursery profile like that's being pilotted in Birmingham? Do you like it? Any new ideas or methods? I'm in nearby Walsall!


Apple, is the pilot for school nurseries? I have worked in community day nurseries in Birmingham, agency. Can I just say that if a nursery profile is being piloted I would hope that those involved have to produce evidence of the assessments rather than just tick boxes. I see people actually testing children on their colours, shapes, counting rather than through observations over a time. I dont feel that any results from this method will give a full picture of achievments. Will anyone be looking at how the results were achieved? :o:D


I'm with you all the way with that one Rea!



sorry i mean the new planning framework which will be replacing birth to three and the foundation stage and cover both areas in one framework.


I was chatting to an Ofsted inspector yesterday about when the final version of the EYFS will be available - she said that it SHOULD have been this month but is unlikely to be because the government hasn't made it's mind up yet about some of the regulations? Or something like that! She told me that she has been involved in trialling the inspection regime that will be attached to the EYFS - didn't tell me much about it except that she liked it because the written report style gave her a chance to make each setting sound more individual, rather than have to use a lot of "standard" phrases.

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