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Hey I Can Chec My Spelling


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I'm having to practice now just to make sure I'm not seeing things, but when i type in here i get the red lines just like you do in Word when my typing is wrong. Ive never seen this before..has it always been there? Oh dear no excuses for tipping orrors now then!!

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err I dont really know, I'm sure I only noticed it yesterday. I have just got Firefox version2 so I'm wondering if its something to do with that? Since my keyboard behaves so badly sometimes, it does mean that now I might actually notice!!

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hey I found it

I get the underlines too!!


Seems it is an add on to fire fox 2 which hubby did not install at the time, but I have found it and it works!! even works same as in word, hey perhaps better spelling from me now too!! or perhaps not!!



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Yipee! I have it too now. Thanks for that mundia and Inge. :D Mundia, I had to go to the Mozilla site and actually download it myself but I needed to update to Version 2 as well. Now I am all up to date and my spelling will be exemplary! :o

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