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Hungry Caterpillar Help!

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Hi all, Has anyone got any idea where I could buy The Very Hungry Caterpillar Book with cassette or cd. Please please has anyone any planning they would like to share. The School Improvement Officer is coming to observe me and she will be making the overall decision as this is my last term of my NQT year. Thank Goodness !!!!!!! The focus of literacy lesson is retelling story in correct order. Your help very much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

A distressed , shattered NQT



You could try Waterstones (they were doing the books and the CD separately a little while ago) or Ottakars. They tend to do book and tape/CD sets but they can be a bit pricey. Failing that, why don't you try somewhere like ebay? I get loads of books and tapes etc from there. There's also Books for Children you could try.


Haven't got any planning to share though, sorry! I'm sure someone will be able to help though!


Good Luck!!


Hi Flower, Id try ebay too if you cant get to a shop, are you sure noone in school has a copy? Amazon are pretty quick if they have stock, how soon do you need it?


in terms of sequencing, i have some pictures which I laminted and backed with magnetic strip and used for sequening on the magnetcia baord. If you would a copy, drop me a pm and Ill email them to you. I also have a ppt and some IWB activities if they would be of any use to you.


Finally, dont panic about your observation, if this is your last one. You would know by now if there were any problems with your NQT year so just relax (I know easy to say!)


Why not try a class / home activity to get parents / grandparents involved by making a Story Sac - someone to make the bag, someone to find some props (TY beanies on eBay - caterpillar and butterfly?) plus laminated story sequence chart with stcky velcro- that could be your bit if you have access to a laminator/pictures from web site - and include a class homemade book to accompany the bag of how it was put together eg On Monday Mrs X went to buy soem fabric to make our Sac, On Tuesday Grandma Y donated a book all about butterflies etc.

Good Luck!!




These are great thanks


By the way have you thought about recording your own story tape?

Posted (edited)

Peggy, thanks for the attachments I must have missed the powerpoint and those lovely sequencing cards previously so thankyou!


Good luck with your observation Flower, you have picked a story that the children will enjoy and the only difficulty you may have is deciding which or how many of these lovely resources you can fit into one session!


Edited by Sharon

Thanks so much everyone, need to get my head down and get cracking. athanks again all.

Love u all.


  • 2 weeks later...

What great resources.


Will be using some of these next half term. We are focusing on healthy lifestyles (part of our activities for Sure Start Month) - will talk about healthy and unhealthy foods with story of V.H.caterpillar


Thanks everyone.


SmileyPR - powerpoint you included looks great. I can't seem to save it though.


Any help please.

Posted (edited)

We had an Art's Week at school and each class based their week around a book. Reception did The Hungry Caterpillar, and they had an artist to come in and work with them.


The children worked in pairs and each had an large piece of playdough (home-made) which they rolled into a thick circle. They then experimented pressing objects into the dough, such as sticklebricks, fir-cones, pegs, etc. After some exploring and re-rolling they came up with a design they liked. They then had a thick strip of card that they wrapped round the circle, and paper-clipped together. The card was taller than the dough circle, so it made a kind of border or lip.

The artist them made up some plaster of paris, and the children all gathered round and watched whilst she poured it onto their design. Because the card had been wrapped tightly round the dough, the plaster sat in the top with very little spillage.


They were then left to dry and then the playdough and card was removed, and each pair were left with a large plaster of paris circle, which showed all the objects they had pressed into the dough, in relief. The children then painted their circles, and holes were drilled into the tops of them, and the teacher displayed them all together on the wall, so that they made up the shape of the caterpillars body.


It was SO lovely (wish I had a picture).


Probably just a bit too stressful for an observation, but a really effective idea anyway - perhaps you can use it in the future?!



Edited by Guest
Posted (edited)
hope these resources help





Just to add to Peggy's story sack resource information, if like me, you are not very handy with a needle and thread or you don't have loads of time, there is an ebay shop that specifically sells story sacks. The shop owner makes them all herself and can make any sack to order. You can also get the books etc to fill the sacks with!


Story Sacks



Can someone let me know if I'm not allowed to put a link to the above site please?! :o Thanks!

Edited by Clare
Posted (edited)
What great resources.


Will be using some of these next half term.  We are focusing on healthy lifestyles (part of our activities for Sure Start Month) - will talk about healthy and unhealthy foods with story of V.H.caterpillar


Thanks everyone.


SmileyPR - powerpoint you included looks great.  I can't seem to save it though.


Any help please.



Strange xD ... I tried to save it again to my PC and I did not have a problem. Maybe Steve can give you a hand with this. Sorry :o


Hum... maybe let's try this...



And I must clarify that I am not the author of this presentation. I got it through the Internet, but it didn't say who was the author... so my apologies for that. I don't take the credit for it.

Edited by SmileyPR

Thanks SmileyPR

It worked this time.

  • 2 weeks later...
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