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Invoices: How to set up Invoices if you've already set up Booking on your account

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In this tutorial I'm going to talk you through how to use the 'Invoices' feature if you've already set up 'Booking' on your account.


You can access 'Invoices' through the 'Booking' tab at the top of the page (1). From here click on 'Finance' from the left-hand menu and then select 'Invoices' (3). This will take you to a set up screen where you'll see we recommend you complete the following four actions before starting to use Invoices:

A. Configuring your invoices

B. Add pricing to your sessions

C. Add your funding types

D. Add funded hours to children's regular schedules


I'll go through these actions in that order but you can click on the links above to skip to a specific section.




A. Configuring your invoices

This screen is where you can set what information shows on PDFs you generate of invoices. 

If you need to change the information you enter here, you can access this page at any point by going to the 'Config' tab (1) and then selecting 'Invoices' (2). 

At the top you can choose whether your setting logo appears on your invoices (3). If you haven't added your own logo but keep this option selected, the Tapestry logo will be used. You can see how to change your logo here. Underneath you can choose what text appears in the header and footer sections of an invoice (4). 

In the 'Due Dates' section you can set the number of days after an invoice is generated that it becomes due (5). 

Once you are done on this page hit 'Save' (6) and then you can return to the set up screen (7). 




B. Add pricing to your sessions

If you have already set up your sessions on your account you will need to edit these to add your prices. If you haven't set up sessions yet, please refer to this tutorial.

You can go back and edit your sessions, make them inactive or add new ones at any point by going to the 'Config' tab (1) and then selecting 'Sessions' (2). 

Here you will see a list of sessions already set up on your account (3). To add pricing to a session just click on the 'Edit' button for it (4). 




Clicking on the edit button will bring up a pop-up box. At the bottom of this you will see there is an option for 'Pricing', in this section click on the 'Add Pricing' button. 




Clicking on this will bring up more options for you. The first option you'll see is whether you base your pricing per session or per hour (1). Then underneath that you can see the option to base the pricing on children's ages (2). If you select this tick box you will see the price boxes underneath will change so you can enter prices for 0-2 year olds, children aged 2 years and children aged 3+ years. 

This price box is where you can enter how much you charge for this session (3). 

You can go in and delete pricing or a price change for a session at any point using the red bin icon (4) and if you want to add a price change in the future, you just need to edit the session again and click on the '+ Add Price Change' option (5).

Once you are done here just click 'Save' (6). 




C. Add your funding types

Something you won't have done when setting up Booking is add your Funding Types. Like the other options, you can change these at any point from the 'Config' menu (1). For this setting, just click 'Funding Types' (2). 

This page will be empty at first but once you add funding types you will see them here. Click on the 'Add Funding Type' button to proceed (3). 




This will bring up a pop-up box where you can enter the funding type name (1) and an optional description. By default the status will be 'active' but you can disable a funding type at any point by editing it and changing the status to 'inactive' (2).

The rate you receive from your Local Authority for this funding type can be entered by clicking on the 'Add Rate' button (3). Please note, whilst you can assign funding types to children's regular schedules, the rates you input are just there for your own reference.

Once you're finished click 'Save Funding Type' at the bottom (4).

This tutorial will talk you through setting up funding types in more detail.




D. Add funded hours to children's regular schedules

The last option on the set up screen is to add funded hours to children's regular schedules. Clicking on that link will take you to the 'Regular Schedule' tab for the first child in your list of children.

You can also access this by going to the 'Children' tab on the left-hand menu (1), selecting a child (2) and then clicking on the 'Regular Schedule' tab on their profile (3). 




If you have already added regular schedules for children on your account there are two options as to how you can proceed.

1. Add new regular schedules for the children

2. Edit the existing regular schedules 

If you haven't added regular schedules yet please take a look at this tutorial


We'll start by going through adding new regular schedules for the children. 


1. Adding new regular schedules 

To do this click on the 'New Schedule' button from the child's Regular Schedule tab. 




At the top you will need to enter a start date for the new schedule (1). You can also add and end date but this is optional (2). 

If the start date for your new schedule falls within the period of their current schedule you will get a message notifying you of this (3). This doesn't mean you can't proceed with adding the new schedule, it means when you save it, the current schedule will be end-dated the day before the new schedule starts. 

At the top you can also select whether the child attends during school holidays (4) and you can apply one of the funding types you set up in step C if you offer funded hours for this child (5). 




Then in the 'Sessions' section you can select which sessions the child attends. This is the same process as before, just with a few additions. 

Click on the 'Add' button (1) to select a session for a day. By default the start and end times will be the session's start and end times but you can change these if you wish (2). What you won't have done before is add the number of funded hours the child receives for this session (3). When you enter a figure into this box it will change the number of unfunded hours for the session (4) and the price will be updated (5). 

At the bottom you will now see a weekly summary for the child which shows their total hours, unfunded and chargeable hours and the total cost (6). Once you are finished press 'Save' (7). 




2. Editing an existing schedule for a child

Generally we don't recommend editing an existing schedule if you need to make changes to it. For example, if you were adding a new session a child starts attending every week it would be best to create a new regular schedule instead of editing the existing one. That being said, editing the schedule might be easier option when adding funded hours.

To do this just click on the pencil button for a child's current regular schedule. 




When you get to the edit page you'll see most of the options are greyed out, so you can't fill anything in (1). If the schedule started in the past, you will also see a message informing you that making edits will affect historical bookings (2). 

So that you can make the necessary changes here, click on the 'Edit Sessions' button (3).




You'll then get a pop-up box asking if you want to proceed. You have two options here, add a new schedule (1) or proceed with editing the existing schedule (2). 




If you proceed with editing the schedule you'll see the options are no longer greyed out. This means you can now apply a funding type (1) and add the number of funded hours the child receives for each session. 






So, that's everything you need to do to set up Invoices on your account to use alongside the Booking system. If you have any questions about this, please get in touch by emailing customer.service@eyfs.info.

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