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What phonics do you do and what age do you start?

I have someone saying to start in Toddler room (age 2) but i think its a bit young to start it formally.

I want to refresh our knowledge and have searched the internet but there's so much, it's confusing!

Any guidance gratefully received!



My 2 year olds cant speak !! I really do not understand doing 'phonics' in a group...Why????? (pet hate..now you've got me started!!) 

Teach encoding before decoding....teach vocab, conversation, rhythm, intonation, rhyme, alliteration, steady beat.....anything just not boring and unlinkable phonics!!! unless you want children who hate phonics when they get to school!

here endeth the sermon for the day! 🤣

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Im so sorry i seem to have killed this thread.....! I am posting again to bump it. ! and if anyone wants to answer i am very happy to be ignored, we all need a devils advocate sometimes!😉

On 14/12/2021 at 18:43, finleysmaid said:

here endeth the sermon for the day! 🤣

I like your sermons! 

I thought the same as you, half can't speak properly and hardly any have social skills any more (thanks Covid!), getting them to sit for a story is hard enough. We have some who think everything is theirs any scream if another child comes anywhere near!

As for phonics schemes, it seems that the gov have now got a list of ones they approve of but have removed their own from that list. Basically saying, choose one from the list, pay for it yourself, but we expect everyone to do it with no guidance from us! 

Think I will stick to simple listening skills with the toddlers and basic phonics for pre-school. Think they need to learn social skills first to enable them to move on to more formal group work!

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As a year 1 teacher currently what I really need in pre-school is children who are brilliant in phase 1 'stuff'.  There is no point in me teaching the many alternative spellings and pronunciations I have to if they can't actually discriminate sounds in words.

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