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Will anyone stop'teaching' phonics in nursery as a result of the Rose report?


My head is going round and round about this now. I have a problem with the word 'formal'. I do JP once a week in a very informal manner - no worksheets - just to introduce the idea of listening to initial sounds and to introduce the letter for the more able.


I feel that this is very informal. However we have a teacher who comes in to cover my PPA (she also works at the local infant school who do not want me to use JP) and she says that she thinks it is formal (because we do 10 mins at group time).


I have had discussions with all the staff. The ones who have direct access to the children think that we should do it mainly because the children love it and those with poor speech are actually making lots of sounds and progress (I also read somewhere on this forum that some speech therapists recommend JP)


My head teacher just says it is my decision as long as I can justify my decision to Ofsted.


I have so many issues about this whole matter and I just want to feel comfortable that I am doing the right thing. What gets me is that the children absolutely love JP with all the songs.


Hope someone can help


Guest tinkerbell
Posted (edited)

If the children love it then that is reason enough to carry on using it.I work in a school so am not sure of the nursery stand on phonics...I have quickly scanned the Rose report and I take from it that it doesn't matter what 'phonics' approach settings use so long as its systemmatical and consistent. I also think 10 min a day would be good...so your the boss tell your PPA teacher what you want to happen


Edited by tinkerbell

Our guidance a couple of years ago from the LEA was NO JP in nursery now they have come complete circle. I think the Rose report may encourage more settings to use phonics earlier as the publicity in the media will encourage parents to look for it when deciding on their child's nursery/school.


I know there is a lot of advice out there. But I just really want to know what people's gut feelings are.


I know it varies a lot on settings and different cohorts of children but generally, what do you think should be happening - and how do you justify what you do according to guidelines and reports etc


I just want to hear the viewpoints of people who work with this age group so I can feel that I have taken on board different outlooks and then decided what to do in our nursery




Susie, have you got Foundations of Literacy by Ros Bayley and Sue Palmer?

There are some brilliant ideas in there for nursery settings through to Yr 1

I use the 5 a day idea, different opps to listen, rhyme and have fun playing with sounds/rhmes/alliteration etc in an informal way ie through songs, music, practical activities etc.



Make it fun and if the children are enjoying themselves and have lots of time for other things then why worry. The Sue Palmer 5 a day is really good and full of fun things- mind you I couldn't fit in 5 stories in Nursery as the time is short and they have lots of other things to do as well.


I'm in a DN, the children love having stories/rhyme times interspersed throughout the day!

I can't function without my story times - whether read or told!!


PS, JacquieL and barb - I'm a lifetime hooked!!




Just ordered Foundations of Literacy by Ros Bayley and Sue Palmer it so glad to hear its worthwhile. :D:D

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