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equality and diversity activities for preschool

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I have an assessment on equality and diversity and part of it is doing an activity involving equality and diversity. Wondering if anyone had any group actives for preschool age group? Trying to think of something different and get the children thinking whilst having fun.

Thank you :)

Posted (edited)

I think this is quite a difficult one as, from my point of view, equality and diversity isn't something you 'do' it's part of your ethos and a way of thinking.


For pre-school aged children, could you think about looking at similarities and differences, looking in mirrors and talking about what makes us the same and what makes us different? Depending on your children and their interests and abilities, you could extend it self portraits or even portraits of each other. Also talking about likes and dislikes (something else that makes us different). At my setting, this often comes up at lunch time when children say "Yuk!" about someone else's food. We talk about how everyone likes different things and this leads to long lists of likes and dislikes.


This might not be what you're looking for at all, but hope it helps. :1b

Edited by Stargrower
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You could also talk about how families celebrate in different ways.

For example, if it's your birthday, who buys you presents? When do you open them? Do you go out for a celebration meal. Do you have a cake? What sort of food do you share? Do you see your grandparents/wider family, phone them? Do you have a party? Is it for family, friends, both?


I believe it's better to have those conversations informally when they become relevant rather than in a planned and artificial way.

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Gender seems to be the topic of 2016 so far. Removing the age old stigmas attached to how a girl should behave or a boy should behave, and what they can play with, and what preferences they have, should not be influenced in a negative way.


Many believe that girls and boys sections in shops should be removed.. due to these toys not being "girls toys" but they are "all children's toys" even if it is a pink doll etc. Do all your boys play with dolls or do some simply say "they are for girls, yuk" and how can this be handled. yes it's preferences for the child, but it is a reaction that has been installed in this child growing up.. and this is what needs to be discouraged, so they say.


So you could use gender as a topic for equality and diversity and go with the latest craze!


Me personally, although i do understand it, and that any person should not feel ashamed to be however they choose and prefer, i feel it borders on other things..


An example i had when i was younger is: I bought a pair of Zebra trainers that i loved!! i wore them once and got "ripped to pieces" from my "friends" so i never wore them again sadly.. but i still loved them of course :P


So for what reason did i get "ripped to pieces" back then? The trainers where simply not the "norm" and a little different - and quite hideous now i think about it..lol

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