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Hi all

we have very limited storage at pre-school and so I have to store a large amount of our resources and equipment at home. This is taking over 2 sheds and the spare bedroom!

So I've got a few questions:

1. How do you store things e.g by topic, area of learning etc

2. How do you remember what resources you have got

3. How do you know when to throw things away (we got given a huge amount of toys from a local stay and play group and a lot of the things I cant think when I would use them but should I get rid???)


Any more advice most welcome xx


I store in a loft above our old play room at home. I'm no where near ruthless enough, however, take a tip in that case and if it's not suitable get rid of it, we rent from a charitable institution and my parents always agree to me giving them stuff for their weekly sale if we can't use it. I store by area, or season. And keep the archive up in the loft.

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Posted (edited)


i think the only way is to have an inventory - perhaps put a number next to the item which will relate to the box/storage unit it is in -that way if you need a certain item by looking at your inventory you will know where it is.

will be a long job - but sure it will help in the end - other than that i can't think of any other way. :wacko:

and also it is to be ruthless with the resources you have - get rid - either recycle, charity shop or bin !!

Edited by blondie
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We are a total packaway group too and storage and organisation is the biggest daily problem - we have to fit everything into our shed outside so have to be ruthless.

Seasonal topics, Christmas, Easter, Chinese New Year etc I have to bring home and store as you do.

I have a 'topic' folder on my laptop where I list everything that I have related to those topics eg posters, books, craft accessories, games, puzzles etc and I try to photograph these resources too so that when I comes to planning we have something visual to look at for inspiration.

For everything else I do as Blondie says, have an Inventory list (this also doubles up as an insurance list as I also log how much we've paid for things on it too) I give a copy to all members of staff so they know what we've got and to aid them with planning - I always stress to the staff that they must let me know if we throw anything away or buy anything so this can be kept up to date.

As for finding things in the shed, well I have a member of staff who seems to have a photographic memory with this and can put her hands on virtually anything I ask for!!

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