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Whoops, Fsf Unavailable!

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Hi all -

Apologies to those of you who were inconvenienced by a 40 minute period of no Forum this afternoon (roughly between 4.15 and 4.50pm). Very irritating I know, and I'm trying to establish why it happened. There was a shorter period of downtime earlier this week, and I'm trying to find out how to prevent it happening again. :o


Don't worry about it,


It's probably good for us to be denied - prevent the addiction becoming too strong.... :(xD:(:o


It's back now, so - phew!!


Sue :(

Hi all -

Apologies to those of you who were inconvenienced by a 40 minute period of no Forum this afternoon (roughly between 4.15 and 4.50pm). Very irritating I know, and I'm trying to establish why it happened. There was a shorter period of downtime earlier this week, and I'm trying to find out how to prevent it happening again.  xD



Is that 4.15 your time or 4.15 our time? Sorry, couldn't resist! FSF seems to have forgotten to put the clocks back! :o


So when I cant get on at other times is it my fault? :oxD

I find quite often in the afternoon I get the site not found thingy.


Hi Neddaw -

If you go to your board settings (here), and uncheck the Daylight Savings Time box, you should find the time looks correct. For better or worse, the settings show the time in whatever timezone you choose - if you're in New Zealand for example, you can set the board to show the time in the correct way there. So now BST has reverted to GMT, you need to change the time manually to reflect that- sorry! :)


Rea, I'd be interested in hearing whenever you can't get access to the Forum - it has happened a couple of times recently but although I'm usually around in the afternoon, I'd appreciate having other people helping me map out the problem. I know a lot of people log on at about 4.30pm to 5pm - sometimes we have forty or more people online, and if that's becoming a problem it would be good to be aware of it! :)


It happens to me occasionally too Steve. Like Sue says though, I take it as a sign that I should be doing something else with my time. xD I will take note in future though .... :o


Neddaw, I'm sure there are lots of other people who didn't realise you have to change it manually and are still living in the wrong time frame. :D


Had problems yesterday at 7.25 onwards...firstly was unable to make post and got 'flood control enabled on this board....etc..' when trying to reply and then 'cannot find server' when tried to return to home page.



(yep same as you Rea, although now the one in the kitchen is right!! and the car and moble phone are wrong!)




ok, thanks for these reports! :)


Inge - the flood control error message happens when you reply to two posts in quick succession - I'd forgotten that I'd switched that on! I've now switched it off! :)

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