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I can't remember which member was asking about Monitoring Visits from Ofsted, but we had ours yesterday and I wanted to share our experience.

The inspector did not arrive until Midday which was a shock - so be aware they do not always turn up at opening time. She explained exactly what she would be looking at and talked through what would be happening, we had a quick tour of the building then sat down and went through the criteria she needed to cover. Our last inspection raised two actions which were dealt with immediately, within 5 mins of the inspector leaving!! However the monitoring inspector just wanted to check that this had been done and other recommendations were being addressed. She was very reassuring and it was certainly less stressful than a full inspection. She did observe the staff and that raised a few more suggestions but her advice was really helpful and she tried to reassure the staff that they should not fear an inspection - easier said than done!!

My advise would be to have all your evidence ready to hand - anything and everything you have implemented since the last inspection even if they were not actions/recommendations and be sure you are really 100% happy that your paperwork etc fits the requirements of the Statutory Framework - we had changed our Supervision Meeting forms to ones supplied by the County Council but they were still not meeting the requirements!! The inspector also said the most important thing to do is make sure you and your staff know your children inside out and can prove all children are being planned for and next steps being identified and addressed. (not necessarily loads of paperwork but staff being confident to talk about the wonderful work they do to give their children the very best)

I hope this helps and apologies for forgetting who raised the subject.

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Guest nadzy

This has really helped! We are still awaiting our initial visit but no doubt that they will turn up for an inspection at any minute after that. What you said was reassuring. the word Ofsted will always push fear into our hearts but it's all about being prepared and I like what you said about staff being CONFIDENT to talk about their children and all the wonderful work that they do with them


We used to have files which we kept all the impact evaluations towards our key issues - we added anything that linked and then evaluated it all to support self evaluation towards the next inspection. Helps to be clear about your progression and the difference you are now making.


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Thanks hopeytg. Our recent inspection gave us two actions about staff knowing more about Cof L, and staff supervisions so i have to come up with an action plan for these to send back to Ofsted in two weeks. Unfortunately they are not going to be addressed over night and involve us continuing on the journey we had only just started on when Ofsted turned up.

How long was it between inspection and monitoring visit?

"The inspector also said the most important thing to do is make sure you and your staff know your children inside out and can prove all children are being planned for and next steps being identified and addressed. (not necessarily loads of paperwork but staff being confident to talk about the wonderful work they do to give their children the very best)"

THhs is what let us down too. My staff can do this but didn't demonstrate it well enough on the inspection.

Any other tips would be useful. Thanks


Our inspection was 4th March - monitoring visit 4th June (although she had turned up the Friday before when we were closed for half term!!) and Inspector said full inspection will be by the 4th August (we close on the 16th July)- although when I queried this with Prospect they told me full inspection will be within 3 months of monitoring visit which would take us to the 4th Sept - our 1st day back!!

It does seem at times that despite our very best efforts they will always find something wrong - each inspector seems to raise different points which is frustrating!!

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