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Nut Policy


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We use PSLA for our standard policies and a nut one is not included. :P (think I may need to reword the title lol)

The supervisor thinks it is a good idea we have one so I have started to write one up, but I was just wondering if anyone has also added this policy. At present we do not have any children that are allergic to nuts but is it now normal practice to have one?

Any help/advice would be great!

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We currently have 3 children with nut allergies (cant remember now the last time we didn't have one) we also have a child with an egg allergy (severe- needs epi pen) and and a milk allergy. However we couldn't possibly have a policy for each and every allergy that a child may have. Which I would imagine is why the PSLA dont have one specific to nuts- we just have a 'managing children with allergies' (I think that is what it is called) and that covers all bases. We also inform all our parents when an allergy sufferer starts and periodically send out reminders.

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We have company policy of no nuts or nut products. You can never be too careful with nut allergies IMO.

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