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How scarey is this!

hello everyone - my first time using this...

Have only just become a member have been visiting as a guest for ages though!

I really need some help with planning as a whole.We have decided to re vamp our whole planning system, not a good idea now we have started. Our EYDCP are really hard to get hold -we've been told they arent doing visits anymore just drop in sessions our next planning drop in isn't til December!

Firstly can someone briefly explain birth to three matters and does anyone have a template for planning?

We are a very small nursery and are increasing our numbers in january and opening an under twos unit, really want to get my head around all this first. Any help and advice would be soooooo good. Thanks


Hi Sharon :D


This was all new to me.. as we only opened in September. Have you sent off for the Birth to Three Matters pack from SureStart. I knew nothing really about B to 3 but all made sense when the pack arrived; video, CD, cards, poster and introduction pack. I also attended a short course and i am due to do a more indepth one in November. :o

I have put together a planning form but only for the, Movers, Shakers and Players and Walkers, Talkers and Pretenders as this is the only age we focus on at pre-school. i will try and send you a copy if i can work out how to do it and if you feel it will be of help.




Hi and welcome, It gets less scary the more you use the forum, promise :D


Try this link which will take you to the forum index B23 topics.




birth to three forum index


Hi Sharon,


Thanks for jumping in with that first post :)


BTTM, as I refer to it, isn't difficult, although I struggled at first with it, having specialised for so long on FSC. I'm in a DN and our pre-school unit is increasingly taking 2.5 yr olds. As a DN though, the whole sweep of the framework applies to us.


The way we tackle it, and this has been endorsed by our Early Years support, is to look at the Aspects, only loosely planning within them, basing most of our further planning on observation of the children to whom it applies, so that the provision accurately reflects their needs. In practice, this is a bit difficult in the pre-school unit, but we're getting there. In the Baby and Toddler units it seems to be working a treat, with staff there able to describe children's achievements and stages quite easily and accurately, with lots of obs etc to back it all up.


Having said that, like so many others, we are in the process of re-vamping planning so this may change! :o Although it's more likely that pre-school planning will move towards BTTM, rather than vice versa, what with Every Child Matters etc!


Hope this is of some help.


Sue :D


Hi Sharon,


I hope we're not that scarey! Welcome as a fully fledged member - I'm sure you'll find it's money well spent. :D


welcome to the site i found bttm hard to get to grips with first as the dn i work in takes children from 2 but they have free flow between 3 rooms and family grouping so we found planning hard to begin with. just gettting used to it now. welcome again and enjoy using the site i have picked up so many ideas from this site. :D:D:D

How scarey is this! 

hello everyone - my first time using this...

Have only just become a member have been visiting as a guest for ages though!

I really need some help with planning as a whole.We have decided to re vamp our whole planning system, not a good idea now we have started. Our EYDCP are really hard to get hold -we've been told they arent doing visits anymore just drop in sessions our next planning drop in isn't til December!

Firstly can someone briefly explain birth to three matters and does anyone have a template for planning?

We are a very small nursery and are increasing our numbers in january and opening an under twos unit, really want to get my head around all this first. Any help and advice would be soooooo good. Thanks



Not sure if I am replying to all your posts or one!

Its been a long day...

Im sure I will get the hang of this!


Thankyou all for your welcomes it immediately made me feel better!

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