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Planning at end of term

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What does everyone do with regard to planning at this time of the year?

We have been so busy with sports day practice, transfer documents etc etc that we just haven't had time think about PLODs and next steps :( . The PLODs sheet, for the past two weeks, has been BLANK!

Comments appreciated!

Posted (edited)

all our learning journeys will be ready to pass on next week at open evening! We will very much go with the flow, Im guessing lots of water play and icecream van role play etc we will cover emotions as children talk about any concerns about their inductions inot big school but mainly we will have fun,carry on with where the children take us but without any recording!! just play play play as we spend time with the children before they move on! Everyone will be chilled and happy! xDxD

Edited by Andreamay
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parents eve on tuesday so all the next steps and summative assessments are done for those children staying next year and all the learning journeys go home with our leavers on friday at their party so we will be spending less time on paperwork and more time on playing for the last few weeks of our term, oh and getting to grips with tapestry ready for september


Mmm ... we might have an unexpected Ofsted visit :( , so am in a quandary about what to do!! To be honest I haven't planned 'properly' (i.e. using PLODs) for the past two weeks as all staff have been working on transfer documents and we have been practising for sports day.

Now, of course, I'm panicking!


Don't panic about this. As long as you have other documentation throughout the year, I do feel Ofsted understand. In fact for our inspection last year they weren't particularly interested in planning per say,

Just enjoy the last bit of term and have fun.:)

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we have planned right up to last week but finish for the summer on Wednesday of this week so its only 3 days with no plans for us. the children have been choosing activities and water play to wash the dolls and home corner equipment ready for September


Devonmaid I am in exactly the same situation as you and think that we may be expecting ofsted anytime before the end of term. (Its been over 4 years now) I am still going to have planning up but to be honest it may not get done!! So hot here that the children are drained and we are going to go with the flow for the next two weeks. I always do my planning at the weekend, but this weekend was busy and I actually spent the whole day on a fishing boat yesterday and then at a BBQ. So got up at 6am to do it this morning, I was just not brave enough not to do it in case ofsted arrived!! :blink:

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