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Any Topics For Dee?

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Now I'm not sure whether this is a great idea or whether I'll regret it...


Dee has asked me if anyone has any pet hates or subject areas you would like her to write about, in the same manner as her articles on the Forum to date. Keep it civilised please! :o


work related or not?????


Here goes work related; Parents (in gerneral) complaining on why child hasnt done a craft activity, picking up late, sending sick kids to nursery.

The topic 'people who help us'

our church committee


non work: people who dont say thank you when you let them out (driving)

children that kick the back of your seat in a plane

xmas things in shops in August




Agree with Hali - one on parent's expectations would be fun!


How about role play and what has been observed and heard (out of the mouths of babes...)


Children trying to dress themselves either to come to nursery (wearing pyjama bottoms, summer tee shirt and mismatching shoes) or learning to dress themselves at nursery and getting in a bit of a twist!


People that are oblivious to the world around them because they are on their mobiles.This includes shop assistants,pedestrians obliviously walking in front of my car, parents who can't even be bothered to talk to me or say good-bye to their child when they drop them off.

People that drop litter in the street especially chewing gum that marks everything.


Teaching and introducing money- in F2 I hate this topic and others have often seemed to agree---- they never seem to get it!!!!

xmas things in shops in August


:D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D


You say that as if its a bad thing, Hali!




Parents, parents, parents and their expectations


Consultations and so called new initiatives and in some cases the reinvention of the wheel - were we hamsters in a previous life!!!


Automated answering and routing services - whose time and money are they saving - certainly not mine - today I spent 20 minutes trying to beat one but each time it lead me down the same path and I never got through to anyone human it just kept me going around in a circle. In the end I gave up - I will try tomorrow


The joys of having teenagers



Crikey - this could be a genuinely therapeutic topic! Does anyone remember Mr Angry from Purley?  :o


Last I heard he'd moved in with Disgusted of Tonbridge Wells...



cant you just sense a 'room 101' coming on ?



What a good idea Mundia. :D Top of my list would be the dreaded committee meetings. :o

What a good idea Mundia.  :D  Top of my list would be the dreaded committee meetings.  :o


I'd like to formally put myself forward for heading up this exciting new organisation. I shall have business cards made up:-


Maz Little

Chairwoman - Dreaded Committee


Now where are my terms of reference...!



I'd like to formally put myself forward for heading up this exciting new organisation.  I shall have business cards made up:-


Maz Little

Chairwoman - Dreaded Committee


Now where are my terms of reference...!






Whatever you do Maz, make sure that if you do manage to get out an agenda it is on the day of the actual meeting. Also, it's imperative not to follow the agenda at all! :D Allow endless waffling and make sure that no decision is reached on important matters. If a decision is reached ensure that no one knows who is meant to be doing what. :o


How about...


Drivers who seem to have forgotten how to indicate;

" " stop in vehicles to talk to their friend - also in a vehicle in the middle of the road - despite causing a traffic jam;


Cold calling sales persons (I'm not being racist, but often of asian origin who cannot understand your responses anyway!);


Recorded telephone calls, e.g. (imagine american accent) "Congratulations! You have been selected to win an all-inclusive all-american holiday, blah blah blah..."


Automated phone systems - already mentioned, I know, but definitely worth a rant!


Ok so in order to keep this thread for vaguely 'sensible' ideas for Dee, Ill start the room 101 in the loung....pop along and add your 5 there....

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