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CRB minimum age?


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Please could anyone tell me what the minimum age is for applying for a CRB disclosure? I have a volunteer starting who will be 15, turning 16, I've looked online but there is a lot of conflicting and out-of-date info.


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I cant find anything which mentions age apart from that. A bit woolly isnt it? I would say though that under 18 wouldnt need one, but would come under your safeguarding policy as a child.

Edited by Rea
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if students are on work experience you do not have to have them crb checked.They mustbe supervised at all times and you must ensure they have no independent access to the children.


I have students all the time and have checked this with ofsted many times ...there is a clause that procludes students (cant remember where it is at the mo...id have to go back and check in my many files)

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Thanks to you both. We have lots of students too, and don't do CRB's as you say finleysmaid, but this girl is volunteering after she leaves school (May) and before she starts college (Sept). So she isn't a student on work experience or college placement.

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found this....its a bit old so i guess best to check with ofsted. If you are not allowing her to be left alone with the children then she will not be teaching them and therfore not in a regulated activity (???? maybe????)


Anyone over the age of criminal responsibility can be given a CRB check, which in the UK is 10 years old. So no, you certainly don't have to be 16 or 18 minimum to have one.


Lots of useful information here about CRB checks.
oohps link not working....will have another try
Edited by finleysmaid
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  • 6 months later...

interesting. we have been told only this week by the CRB powers that be , that a person under 18 is 'assumed not to have a record'. :( so therefore we do not have to do our 17 year old student.

Just another example of no clear guidelines.

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We have to make sure our 16 year old students have one carried out before they start placements so assuming they don't have a record obviously isn't a universal attitude!

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It is 16, we have to crb check anyone 16 and over for the football team that I am welfare officer for who is going to be coaching, under 16 , they don't have to be.

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