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Display Shelf For Children

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I am really keen to have a display shelf for the children to put their models on somewhere in the classroom. I'm trying to avoid having next to the construction area so they are not too tempting for other children to 'pinch!'. I'm really short of space especially wall space?

Do you have a display area? Any space-saving ideas?


Green Hippo x


................ I really wanted to be able to reply 'be carefull they don't keep falling off' after reading the heading.. xD


I'm in pre-school so have lots of space- therefore able to put them on a table for parents to see when they collect. xx

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Ha ha wouldnt that be great, all the children lined up on the display shelf for the parents to see. Maybe you could display the children in the different stages of mess that they go through in a morning, starting with a bit of paint in the hair, next would be the green snot wiped with the sleeve across the face, then would be the child that rubbed the gloop all over themselves, followed by the child who always ends up with a milk moustache, next would be the child that had discovered how to make a muddy puddle and the fun that follows will be all over them.!! Throw in a few toilet accidents and there you have a snapshot display of pre-school on a normal morning!!

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would you be able to have one of those shelves which are hinged along the wall and then have bracket type legs which come out to support a shelf. When not in use it would all collapse flat against the wall.

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