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We have a fairly small garden surrounded by a picket fence on three sides. Does anyone have any inspiring ideas of how we can make the fence more interesting, more secluded and safer, they do tend to climb it and a child once got her leg stuck between the bars!

Any photos of lovely gardens would be wonderful.


Our fence is post and rail but with green square wire fence on the inside which is great for threading through, pegging things on or hanging things on, wasn't expensive, got it from screw fix, comes in diff heights and would take no time at all to fix inside your existing fence.....especially if you found a kind parent with one of those electric staplers that they use for roofing. :)


We have the same idea as mouse. We use a heavy guage plastic trellis for weaving etc., and we a picket fence too, we secured our trellis with cable ties from B&Q. One of the other favourite things this summer was a range of plastic bottles and tubs secured to the fence to make a water cascade, some of the containers have holes in, some lots some not so many again we secured them with cable ties, but you could use very heavy duty drawing pins, we had washing powder plastic boxes with lids and cut down plastic milk bottles with tops on too which they liked, tubing and funnels, one little monkey worked out he could blow down the tube and the water would spray everyone from the funnel! Just to jazz up the fence, we like coloured bunting flapping about. You could also have pictures which have been laminated pinned to the fence - just make sure that there is a big border of laminated plastic around your picture, that way the rain doesn't get in and ruin the picture.


To make it safer, could you weave some flexible trellis between the bars, or get some wicker weave and place it immediately behind your picket fence - don't know how your funds are for that sort of thing.

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I love the ideas. We have tried a few before but a bit half heartedly. It can be hard to be creative when the details of business bog you down a bit.

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go on the wilkinsons site and search for:

Wilko Screening Brushwood 3mx1m

we have attached it to our fence with cable ties so children can't climb over. it gives somewhere to hang and attach things, as suggested by above people. and you can buy a bit at a time if money tight!! we did one side at a time.... 3m goes quite a long way x

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