Guest Posted August 11, 2012 Posted August 11, 2012 I have just been given the timetable for my teaching assistant and on it there is an afternoon dedicated to PPA . From my understanding it was so she could do the learning journeys. I can see how this would help me out, as the journeys would be kept up to date as would the assessment (because I would ask her to cross ref against devel matters). There isn't time after school for her to do the journeys because she finishes at 3.30pm. however, would I not be better doing these myself and having her in class supporting learning? If she was out of class that is an afternoon of being unable to have outdoor provision, and we are very restricted in terms of outdoor provision anyway being part of a small school that uses the area for playtime. Or perhaps i could keepthis afternoon dedicated to learning journeys but have the TA based in class involving the chn in compiling their journeys. Any thoughts, suggestions, etc very welcome
Guest Posted August 11, 2012 Posted August 11, 2012 How wonderful to have been given PPA time for your TA to do learning journeys! I expect you will need to talk with whoever has done the timetable to see if it can be used in a different way, if you don't feel this is the best use of the time, but if not I would just be very grateful of this timetabled time!
Madmum Posted August 11, 2012 Posted August 11, 2012 I'm a TA and I only get PPA for time I cover as HLTA for the teacher's PPA ( does that make sense? :rolleyes: ) I work in nursery and the teacher has half a day PPA and she does all the learning journeys and updates the girds etc, although I do observations etc for my key children. This last term she has had 48 to do, so it's not been manageable, so PPA for me to do mine would be great, otherwise she has to take lots home. Personally I would say you would only gain in reception from having your TA have PPA if you get cover so you can continue your normal provision.
Guest Posted August 11, 2012 Posted August 11, 2012 Sorry, didn't make it clear, but she doesn't get replaced in class-so it is an afternoon non contact with the children to get the journeys done while the teacher is in the class. Not sure how I feel about this. I imagine it would reduce my work load, but it is an afternoon per week that the chn are without someone to support their learning
Froglet Posted August 11, 2012 Posted August 11, 2012 How much other TA time do you get? For me personally, I would need to be the one going through the learning journeys and noting against DM or it wouldn't stick in my head. Having someone to do the sticking in books bit though would be great! Is there a possibility she could do other prep? I think you could look at it as what she will be doing is benefitting the children even if not with them personally. Also having a less tired and stressed teacher will benefit them! Time to discuss LJs in class with the children is a good idea. As for the outdoor thing you could just plan for the whole class to be outside on some of those occasions.
Guest Posted August 11, 2012 Posted August 11, 2012 I will have another assistant for 20 hours a week who is a one to one. I will be creative with her hours as the child doesn't need following around, it wouldn't be good for his developing independence. I will probably run with the afternoon PPA for the TA but use it wisely to aid my assessments of the chn. I suppose if the journeys are kept up to date weekly then my PPA time can be dedicated to spot on assessing and more exciting planning, according to what the assessments and observations are telling me.
Guest Posted August 11, 2012 Posted August 11, 2012 I have always given my TA PPA time on a Friday afternoon and I have them by myself during which time I do a whole class music session, golden time and then it is assembly. During this time she preps for the next week and I find it invaluable. I would prefer her to do that than the learning journeys which I like to do ( I get parents sticking things in and then I cross reference and highlight etc) Deb
Guest Posted August 11, 2012 Posted August 11, 2012 The TA doesn't work Friday PM, but I am coming round to the idea of her having this time if it makes life easier and work load more managable. Her time is on a Thurs PM so that would give her time to update learning journeys ready for my PPA time the following Tuesday, where I can plan according to the obs and assessments. I will also re think my timetable and what I teach on the Thursday afternoon to perhaps involve more whole class sessions. Food for thought-thanks everyone
catma Posted August 12, 2012 Posted August 12, 2012 I think we forget that PPA stands for 3 things, planning, preparation and assessment so any of those activities would be suitable. She could be undertaking those tasks which have been deferred to support like display, organising resources etc too. Cx 1
Guest tinkerbell Posted August 15, 2012 Posted August 15, 2012 Once a half term I work with my TA on the e-profile and learning journals for a whole morning,this is my PPA time and the teacher who replaces me is happy for me to take my TA.I am in the fortunate position to have just 16 reception children on my PPA session ,(my year 1's are with the other class,) I have found this so valuable ,as we both get the chance to discuss the children and their progress,make notes of areas to develop as common themes come through .etc. We both do the learning journals in and amongst our daily work but this session together shows my TA just how much I value her imput.
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