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First Aid


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Not sure if this post is meant to be in here buut.. i work in a preschool, and all staff are paediatric first aid trained, is there a need for an adult first aider too?? for the staff that work here?

And also an accident book for the employees? we don't have one..

My manager told me when i bashed my knee quite badly on a table to write it up on a childs accident form :S

doubt this is the right procedure lol...

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Hi Jigsaw


The First Aid training is not usually just specific to under fives (more's the pity - might not take two days if it was!) so I have never thought to have any specific adult training........couldn't really say if thats OK or not


Actually probably would be good practce to have a seperate adult accident record - can't say I have but certainly worth thinking about.....

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:) Thanks Just wanted to get a few opinions really, do you not have a separate accident book/ form for staff..

the thing is when we have an injury the form states.. childs name .. dob.. just think its a bit odd lol

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we have two accident books, one for the children and one for staff. All staff complete the paedeatric first aid course which does also cover adults, my staff also have asthma training as well

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Ah right, its just on our certificates it just says paediatric :S does that still cover adults?

Yeah i have epi pen trainiing, though would quite like asthma training, do you have to be asthma trained to be able to administer an inhaler to a child in your setting?

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I think, though not sure, that someone should have a full first aid certificate if you have 5 or more staff - I'm sure someone will soon put me/us straight on this.

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I did my paed first aid last year and it covered adults too.......I think its the standard one that doesn't count when working in child care because it doesn't cover children but the paed one covers everyone :)

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I do beleive that you need a first aider, holding a first aid at work cert (for employees) when you employ over x amount of staff (dont know the number but probably something on the HSE website) not sure if the 12 day pead one would be enough??


You do not have to provide first aid for parents but out of the kindness of your heart you would.


In my other secretive role we have to provide first aid for staff but not customers but we treat them as a good will gesture.


The first aid at work is a 4 day course. I hold this but my staff hold the other, i did cover children on my course because i asked for it.

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We had to have a first aid at work certificate holder as a requirement of our LA. They told us it was required under employment law (yet another stick to beat us with in preschool), and our treasurer, who owns his own business, told us we also needed an accident book specifically for us which we bought directly from HSE. It didn't cost much and I think we used all of 2 pages in 2 years.

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You do need a HSE accident book for staff - about a fiver - it has tear out pages that need to be placed in the staff members personnel file and held for the required amount of years - this covers you if they try and make a claim for a work based injury etc. at a later date ( assuming it has been filled out properly!)

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You do need a HSE accident book for staff - about a fiver - it has tear out pages that need to be placed in the staff members personnel file and held for the required amount of years - this covers you if they try and make a claim for a work based injury etc. at a later date ( assuming it has been filled out properly!)


Thanks that does make sense! :1b

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