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Eyfs Progress Check

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Thanks so much to everyone who uploaded the EYFS documents. I suspect the sale of printer cartridges is going to increase in the next few weeks!


I wondered how everyone was feeling about introducing the progress check in their setting and when Health VIsitors in your area carry out their developmental checks. It's very mixed in our area due to a shortage of Health Visitors. It's meant to be at 2 years but it's often much later and some children seem to be missed out completely. For this reason I think the progress check is a good idea if it's introduced sensitvely to parents.


I don't think the example formats are particularly parent friendly and wondered if anyone used any other formats or if you used the Development Matters sheets.


We've yet to hear if your Local Authority will be providing any training on this as teams have been cut significantly.


If I'm honest I'm a little concerned about the 2yr checks bit, I hope this will be an area that we do receive training on, from the LEA if nothing else.


We have found in our area that the health visitor 2 yr check is almost non-existent, we seem to have a lot more children who are behind in their development than what we used to have, not sure if this could be because of the lack of Health Visitor checks and support?


I actually think in some cases we are probably in a better position than HV anyway. IF (and that's a big 'if') the child has been with us, for more than around six months, we would have far more knowledge of their development than a health visitor they hardly ever see.....


However- that said, I do believe we are being seen as a 'cheap' option. I am more than happy to do them, but I strongly feel we should have a financial incentive to aid this. After all, we seem to be doing similar already with regards to LJ, scrap books etc. (have only has a brief look though- so happy to be corrected on this.)


Many areas have not had a 2 yr check with a HV for many years now.. it was dropped a long time ago and I have moved into 3 different areas, none of which had them.. think this is to plug a gap they have noticed and cheaper to get nursery to do it than more HV still does not help if thy don't attend but anywhere.. but better than the nothing they have had for a while.


how are you guys thinking of implementing this. Our children generally don't join us until they are 2 yrs 6 months. We would obviously need them to settle in with us before doing the review, so depending on their date of joining, they could be almost 3 before we get round to this. Also what about thise who join at or immediately before 3? Do they just miss out altogether?


Well, I suppose they are 2 until they are 3 (not meant in an uppity way :D )

So I expect that is what they'll say in order for us to have more to complete... :angry: :angry:


Thanks for your replies, it sounds like there are Health Visitor shortages in lots of areas. I'm going on an NDNA day's training next week in Telford which has a small section on the "Progress Check" so it'll be interesting to hear what's said. I've just found out that Concept Training are running a whole day's training on the Progress Check in the Autumn Term.


We've been doing termly 'progress reports' to parents for some time now alongside inputing PRAMS data. This is just a report on what was the 6 areas of learning and to be honest I can't see much different in the document. Will see how it progresses I guess but doesn't look like we'll be changing much on a practice front, just a paperwork tweak!


Just a quick question to Moo20 - what sort of format do you use for the progress report you give to parents already? We have lots of parents with EAL and I'm trying to think of a really visual format, not too wordy that gives a quick overview of development.

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