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Comments, Compliments And Complaints Forms

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Can anyone tell me what I need to have on these forms?


I have found a form for dealing with them in the resources library but not an actual form I can use as a template to make my own.


Would appreciate any advice/help please


Ohh I never thought of a book - nice idea


I like the idea of the two stars and a wish but how is the best way to explain this to parents iykwim?


Ok just on the hunt for a complaints now then.

Will watch with eager anticpation as I'd like something too - was thinking along the lines of 3 stars and a wish form.


Not yet added the pictures of the two stars - usually takes me a while lol but your welcome to use this which I have just drew up.


my complaints are in the psla book (i don't have any!!!) compliments are the letters and cards sent to us by ex parents and the comments are the 2 stars and a wishes format....but i keep them all in the same file because i think you should always have a balance between negative and positive :o

what is a PLSA BOOK

im not sure what a PLSA is .....but a PSLA book is pre-school learning alliance...of which a few of us are still members! but as a non member you can still buy their products :o


Hi SazzJ,


We have a suggestion box with a pad of paper and pen next to it. I think that covers comments and minor niggles. Our policy asks parents to put complaints in writing to the Manager, so if I get one I record it in a book, although a face to face meeting usually sorts things out .


For compliments I have a folder, usually with notes from grateful parents when children leave for school.

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