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Pre-schools: Impossible to continue like this!

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I saw the paragraph in the surestart document about increase to £416.00. then Isat up till 2.00a.m. changing all my computer settings, then the next morning a letter from Harriet Hill plops through the letterbox telling me that the funding is stayin at £406.00. when I enquired as to why this was I was told that it is to enable all elligable funded children to continue getting the funding. I can;t remember when the funding last increased, all I know is the cost of running the pre-school is rising all the time. Now it seems that the schools are muscling in on our children through early Admissions. Apparently schools do not have to do their own funding callculations, if they have an Early Years classroom the funding gets done by County. What is to become of pre-schools?? we will be creches soon as. HOw long will it be before they are taking 3 year olds. Why can't parents see the best plaxce for their 3/4 year old in the pre-school set up with this age range in mind. I have just had a quality of care OFSTED with 100% results. which we are very proud of. Schools have not got the time, amenities or the understanding to care for this unique age group. It would be unheard of to take a 9 year old and dump them in a secondary school and tell them to "get on with it" so why do we put 3/4 year olds. In a much stricter, clinical environment and expect them to flourish.


Sorry to have the ramblings of a mad person, but I am fed up with hitting my head on a brick wall only to come up against more and more undermining problems. we need to be taken more seriously, we are professionals, we run a professional business yet we are steam rollered everytime.


We should all write to someone, any ideas???? and get this off our chest. Sorry again for my ramblungs but I am just about ready to gove up and go and work in TESCOS.


Lesley :o


Hi Lesley -

I'm sorry to hear the frustrating time you're having, and don't worry that you might be rambling - sometimes a good rant is the only way to calm down. :o


One question - do you only charge the parents the NEG, or do you charge a top up? It seems to me that the nurseries that are really suffering are the ones that feel the NEG grant is the fixed fee they need to charge parents.


hi leslie


i totally agree with what you are saying only the other day on a course i went on a teacher inadvertantly said to me not realising i ran a pre-school "well what can you expect pre school staff just dont have the expertise that nurseries and schools do!!!!


somtimes you just feel like giving up!!!!




I think this is exactly why a forum like this is there for all of us, whatever our setting, and hopefully we are all learning a lot more about the settings we are less familiar with. If we can't all respect each other for the unique skills that we have as practitioners, how can we expect others to?

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