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Possible Lines Of Development

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Hi Everyone

We're having a bit of a planning overhaul and I would like to find out more about the PLOD approach. I can find short articles and some blank planning sheets, but nothing that really explains the whole system in detail. Does anyone know where I can find some more indepth info or even a book on this way of planning?

Thanks for your help



I haven't seen a book or anything like that to be honest.


We just have the sheet with boxes for the 6 areas (one for each child) and when the children first start (before we really know them very well) we note anything likely to be of interest in the appropriate area.

This could be the level we noted them at ie can count to 10, or knows certain colours or it could be what they talk about alot like dinosaurs or home etc.

We then look at these to inform our planning.

At the start of next term we will repeat this for both new children and the current cohort noting changes of interest where we need to.


I think the PLODs can be used however suits you best x


PLOD (Possible lines of development) is used much as you would 'Next Steps' in your planning. When you observe a child you may see something that makes you think 'aha - if I put x out tomorrow, I wonder if I can encourage some learning along these lines?'


It can be a daily thing sometimes. I know just this week we've run off on a tangent with magnets because a couple of children in the home corner found that the teapot has a magnetic end and the baking tray 'stuck' to it.

Posted (edited)

mind stretcher's mind maps and talking tubs are great for plods. Looking at what the child knows already and where their interests lies

Edited by Suer

Thanks for your replies, I will look at the Mindstretchers books. We have had resources from them before but not books. Someone also said that Pen Green / Margy Whalley has written about PLODS

Thanks again


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