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Happy Birthday


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Ahhhhhhh Hali thanks its mine soon. Its nice to know someone likes us gemini's.


Hapyy birthday Gemini69 hope you had a good day.

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Hope you had a good one Gemini69, :D


Steve, my twin brother and I always thought that all gemini's were twins :o


The problem with me though is that I always forget it's my twin brothers birthday until about 12 noon. This is because I'm a big kid at heart, I love birthdays now as much as I did when I was 5 yrs old xD



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Happy Birthday, Gemini 69 - as a Gemini myself - can only see the huge benefit of having twice as many Geminis as long as we didn't all meet at the same time!!!!! Hve trouble reconciling who I am at times!!!

Happy birthday


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Thanks to everyone who has wished me happy birthday. Just got back from 2 weeks in St Lucia with my husband and 3 young daughters! Had a great birthday, 2 of my girls got their nails painted in the spa on my birthday, they wondered what I did there the day before and so felt very grown up getting their toe and finger nails painted!

We spent most of the day sunning ourselves by the pool and on the beach.....bliss!!

Back to reality now with the rain and wind. Ah well, must get on with the piles of washing too!


Gem x

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