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A Special Birthday For Nicola!

Jackie A.

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Thank you all so much for your best wishes. I fell into the depths of depression yesterday, everyone I knew was away enjoying the long weekend and I couldn't go because I had two assignments to get away and I think I was where Peggy was a while back although I am glad to see her back to her old self - full of positivity (is there such a word) and today it's sunny, I'm off for a budget meeting with my new chair and I cannot do anymore with regard to my assignments. So I am going to enjoy my week off, celebrate my birthday with friends later in the week when I have recovered. Everyone enjoy your time off this week (if you are lucky enough to be off) recharge the batteries, enjoy the sun (hopefully) and count our blessings that it's only another seven weeks to the end of term and another holiday.

Many thanks again it certainly cheered me up


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