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Having been to see the new Harry Potter film, I have been considering how Ofsted would react to Hogwarts! Although, obviously an inspiring school in many ways, I feel there are a few things that might cause officials a bit of a problem...



• Inclusion - This is generally good as people with special talents and distinctly individual appearances are all more than welcome. However, there is a whole section of the community who are not treated so well. That is the students of Slytherin who are housed in the dungeons and generally reviled by all others in the school, staff and children (lots of cheering when they lose out on anything). However, their parents seem to have a bit too much influence over the running of the school at times.

However planning to their interests might be undesirable (murder, world domination etc)


• Staffing - The staff seem to spend a lot of their time in activities which would not really allow for them to pass a CRB check eg being a werewolf, consorting with known criminals (Dark Lords). More than one of them goes to prison and then returns to teach and they seem to have a fairly loose idea of health and safety (Boggarts, dragons, basilisks etc etc)



• Environment - Although the preservation of ancient buildings should be encouraged, some improvement in the lighting would surely help students in their studies! And the positioning of the school right beside what seems to be an unregulated forest area with unusual and dangerous inhabitants (giant spiders) may encourage risk taking but might need more Risk Assessment to be done.


• Sport - Considerable devotion to Quidditch which leads to tournaments with other schools in other countries which is commendable (although this leads to dealings with dragons, mermaids and even Dark Lords!). Still there seems to be little interest in the wider sporting community.



• Tests and results - Although students study well for these, Hogwarts itself seem to cancel exams at the drop of a hat and, presumably just depend on teacher’s judgements alone (see previous section on staffing!)


• Community involvement - Not great as Hogwarts is definitely out in the middle of nowhere. However, during difficult times in the Wizarding community (war with the forces of evil), this Secondary school seems to be of paramount importance. This raises questions of the involvement of parents as only two of them (Weasleys) actually bother to turn up to support their children. I know it can be difficult to encourage parents to take part in school organised events but surely a major battle, giant snakes, evil Helena Bonham Carters and appearing and disappearing magical swords should have brought a few more of them in.


:oxD:( :( :( :wacko: xD :rolleyes: :unsure: ;):ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:


On the community side though don't forget the secret passageways to the villages,


and bet they have to write some interesting risk assessments!


Loved this! Thanks for cheering up a dreary Monday morning.


Well gold star to you Melba....absolutely brillant......my favourite bit;


This raises questions of the involvement of parents as only two of them (Weasleys) actually bother to turn up to support their children.


Getting parents into do art or cooking was hard enough can't imagine asking them to come in and fight the forces of evil xD:(:(:( :wacko: xD :rolleyes:


Thanks for taking a moment to brigthen the day :o

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