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OK, so I know there is a general agreement not to change avatars too often but mine kept coming up as a little red cross so instead of an aerial view of the Maldives prior to the Tsunami, I now have a view of Snowdon. Hope you like it, it's going to be my final resting place. On my death my children will be under instructions to climb to the top (not cheat and use the train) and scatter my ashes to the winds. I tried to climb it once but got within feet of the top and was so scared of the drop I froze and couldnt go any further, this way I know one day I'll get there. (and if they do cheat I'm going to come back and haunt them, every time they have a fleck of dust in their eye, it'll be me!) :o

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Rea, lovely picture :D

I think you should have one more go at it yourself and save your children the trek :o

They could then aspire to follow their Mum's footsteps to the top and see the lovely views ( I guess) and feel the winds you will inevitably fly in.

( but not for many many years yet, eh xD )


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Save my children the trek. xD Not on your nelly!! They are slouchful and bone idle. The things I've just found while cleaning their bedrooms isnt suitable for general release. Sufice to say antibacterial action was required! Horrible pair :o Somewhere along the way I just fell in love with them though :(:(

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A friend of mine has a little mantra she says to her children in moments of stress or finding unmentionable things when hoovering etc. You can hear the cry go up: "Its a good job I love you".


Maybe in moments of stress she should think about the view from the top of Snowdon.



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Try again Rea!!


It's a wonderful feeling of achievement and the views are just so fantastic!!!


I celebrated 6 months of my first hip replacement by going up Snowdon - and not by the easiest route, either!! (My son - then 12 - had to hold my hand at one point, due to the drop, but I don't think he realised it was me that was scared!!!)


Sue :D

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I'm impressed Sue R. :D


Walking, or climbing for that matter is not one of my chosen leisure activities, I'm more like your children Rea, hubby's always clearing up after me xD




...........because he loves me :o

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I'm impressed Sue R.  :D


Walking, or climbing for that matter is not one of my chosen leisure activities, I'm more like your children Rea, hubby's always clearing up after me xD




...........because he loves me  :o



Enough to give you his last Rolo, Peggy?



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Well we will be in the area in July sooooo....... Maybe. And I agree the views are breathtaking even ten minutes from the top. I did feel a bit daft though last time, a woman of 76 came past us on her own. xD And there's me sitting like a scaredy cat :o

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well worth the effort


always been a favourite area of ours and our son is at Bangor Uni so we have lots of excuses to visit, not that we ever needed any.


he loves it in the winter, and often walks to the top when it is covered with snow, knows it really well now. Snow was so good this last winter they were skiing up there!! Seems like he is either on the mountain or under the water (SCUBA diver. he goes to Balamory each year in spring.)


give it another try. Perhaps a different route. some are easier than others,so I am reliably informed (but I havent a clue which is one) :D




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Enough to give you his last Rolo, Peggy?






hmm, debatable, but only because he is supporting me in losing a few pounds, so chocolate is a no no. ( he loves me enough not to EAT his last Rolo in front of me though :o )



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Well we will be in the area in July sooooo....... Maybe. And I agree the views are breathtaking even ten minutes from the top. I did feel a bit daft though last time, a woman of 76 came past us on her own.  xD And there's me sitting like a scaredy cat  :o





I look forward to seeing the photo's posted at the end of July then Rea, from the summit of course :( or I will never know what the views are like, will I. :(



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