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Music For Movement- Growth

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Hi everyone!


I'm looking forward to the summer term (minus the report writing!) and am hoping to do some creative dance with my Nursery/ Reception class shortly relating to growth of plants from seed to plant, you know the type of thing, curl up in a ball and grow, sun shining, rain falling, bees buzzing etc...


I was hoping someone had done this before and might be able to suggest some suitable music (maybe a poem?) or knows of any websites which suggests music for dance in a range of themes. I've tried googling already without much luck and thought someone out there might know.


:o Thank you!


Peer Gynt 'Morning' is a nice one - mine like it anyway!


This version is perhaps a bit fast, I was looking quickly for you



Now why didn't I think of that?! I love that piece and do believe I may even have it somewhere. Thank you!


Great stuff - it's a lovely 'unwinding' piece after a stressful day too


Have you ever looked at the Sing up website - www.singup.org?


It has loads of songs and you can sort the song bank by age, musical style, curriculum subject etc. Then you can download the backing track, performance track lyrics - whatever you need really.


I know there's a growing song on there which my class love - 'A tiny seed was sleeping' We make up our own actions to it.


Sorry, I've just realised you asked for music for dance which this isn't exactly but you could perhaps use the backing track? I'll get thinking about some other pieces.


How about a creative dance based around Jack and the Beanstalk?


Milking a cow action (because Jack had to sell his cow :o )

Mum throwing the seeds

Beanstalk growing

Jack climbing up the beanstalk

Creeping to the castle

Giant - big angry movements

Running away

Climbing back up to collect gold coins

Creeping again

Giant again

Running again

Chopping with an axe



I just tend to use 'pop music' - anything that the children might hear at a party (I used "Making your mind up" by Bucks Fizz when I did this dance!!)

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