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Can anyone suggest any websites that will provide me with pictures of children and their homes from different parts of the world its to teach children about the differences between them and note the differences in their clothes, homes and food they eat. If there is stuff on here already im moe than happy to check it out.

Thank you again


Have you tried google images? I'd imagine you'd need to be quite specific with your search words, but it usuall comes up trumps for me. Although you do need to be careful about copyright, I guess!


I was trying Barnaby bear but I cant see exactly what im looking for Im going to try and create my own bear story starting at the primary school and going to 6 specific countries as it is year two il have to make it quite basic about what the bear did when he was there but I might try google images i was hoping to get a bit of information you know about what they call they call their houses the kind of food they eat and what they do during a day maybe im being too adventurous with this lol



Here is a list of suggested websites from the language of the site



Photographs Of People And Places

· PB World Database http://www.pbase.com/world

· Webshots.Com http://www.webshots.com/

· TrekEarth http://www.trekearth.com/gallery/

· People and Places of the World http://www.galenfrysinger.com/index.htm

· GeoResources http://www.georesources.co.uk/indexph.htm

· Travel Photography by Stuart Whatling http://www.flat3.co.uk/index.htm

· Jim Rees‛ Travel http://jim.rees.org/trips/

· FreeFoto.Com http://www.freefoto.com/index.jsp

· Images of the World http://www.imagesoftheworld.org/

· Luke Powell Photographs http://www.lukepowell.com/

· Zanzig.Com http://www.zanzig.com/

· Pics4Learning http://pics.tech4learning.com/

· Wrotniak.Net http://www.wrotniak.net/gallery/index.html

· Dominique‛s Photos http://www.alovelyworld.com/index2.html

· The Great Mirror http://www.greatmirror.com/

· Krystal.Com http://www.krysstal.com/travel.html

· Picbase.Com http://www.picsbase.com/james/default.asp



Its a really great site and has lots of lovely ideas on here. :o


I used to buy newspapers from other contries when I wanted different texts, maybe they might have pictures you could use?

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