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Everyone unfortunately encounters the need for time off to attend funerals.

I totally agree to give staff time off for a funeral and make cover arrangements as quickly as possible. However,

would you allow full pay to the member of staff attending the funeral as well as paying the member of staff to

cover the session? Your input would be appreciated.




I would and I have........but this depends on 'whose' funeral........if it is a family member or someone very close - well fair enough..........I have however been known to refuse time off for a funeral when it was a case of 'my auntie's best friends cousin' :oxD


I think it would depend on the relationship between the practitioner and the person whose funeral it is. If it's a close relative/friend, then I'd say I would pay them both, but if the relationship is more distant, I don't think I'd pay the practitioner. I think it would get too expensive if you paid both every time. It's a difficult one, along with compassionate leave. I paid one of my staff for a whole month when she lost her Dad, but I lived to regret it as she didn't treat me with any courtesy or respect at a later date and ended up leaving after an argument (my only member of staff to leave in ten years!)


No not generally unless it is a close family member or friend. It is a very difficult one to call, remain compassionate and caring but equally continue to run a sustainable provision.


Immediate family I allow as a compassionate day ( they are allowed 2 a year) but anyone else its either an annual leave day or swap/cover same as a lot of businesses I suppose. :o


Yes for family members. I feel it is not a big ask for all the extra hours they do outside of paid time.


I am not sure that time off for a funeral can be considered in isolation and more a case of such time off being part of a bereavement policy. Our bereavement policy only covers the death of a pre-school child, death of one of their family members and death of a member of staff but for staff who are bereaved it is covered in our employment contract:


Compassionate Leave

Two days (or more subject to the Owner/Manager’s discretion) for the death of a close family member plus one day for attending a funeral. Other personal reasons will be considered by the Owner/Manager. One day will be given when any member of staff moves house.


It is a bit of a general statment really and is very much open to flexibility, heaven bid I lost a member of my immediate family I think I would need far more than a couple of days. I actually suggested this to my manger and was told I would be allowed 'as long as I need'.


So tricky to define who "deserves" a day paid and who doesn't.


When my best friends dad died I took a day unpaid. Happy to do this. But he could have been closer than an uncle, which would have been paid.


Some people do go to funerals as a bit of a hobby though.

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