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Software For 2, 3 And 4 Year Olds


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I have finally upgraded our children's computers and finally have all singing all dancing internet enabled windows 7 machines. However, I need to get some software for the children. All our old software was ancient and now won't work.


Would love to hear what you put on your computers for the preschoolers to play with.


Many thanks

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Tizzy's toybox remains really popular with our children.

We were given a new laptop pre-loaded with numerous programmes by our LEA. I will have a look later for the names. The children tend to call them 'the fish one' or the one with boats on etc etc but I will come back with some 'proper' titles for you! :o

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Pink Cow



I would suggest this company for software .. I had very good service from them and you can trial it for a few weeks before buying... if it is not suitable return it and ask for different titles... once they get to know you they will offer suggestions, many of which we ended up buying and we would never have found them without their help, if you tell them what you are looking for in general terms they vcan often help with a suggestion



Our children also liked any of the Tizzy titles...


Little brown bear on the farm




and there were a lot more... some we got from the Tesco scheme



I would suggest giving some a trial to see what ones you and the children like...They extend the trial period if it is not long enough.. we used to have them for 6 weeks



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My Nursery children love Poisson rouge - you can get this from the internet for free good for mouse control.


Will look that up, thank you. I just knew that some of you would be able to point me in the right direction, and pointers to free resources are an added bonus!!

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Hi Inge,


I had a look on the Pink Cow website and it looks fantastic. The price guide is a bit confusing though with the number of users etc. Which price would be relevent to settings?


I think having software on trial is a great idea..........thanks for the recommendation. :o

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number of users is how many PCs you install it on.. ours was always the 1 user licence.. for 1 pc... if a school it could be more if they use it on several PCs


talk to them .. they will help you out if you have any questions..



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