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Hi I'm having a bit of a melt down! Can I ask a massive question how do you document planning?I have a long term plan that fir me ensures coverage of areas and aspects of learning. Then I use childrens interests and plan next steps. What I an struggling with and havin doubts about is how to plan and record. I know it's a huge subject area but feel that I am not bring effective!

Please help a dressed out body! Thanks

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I also have a long term plan, which shows any visits and loose topics such as staying healthy, people who help us etc. The long term plan shows how we plan to cover the aspects within each area of learning, this is to ensure that we offer a balanced curriculumn and equal weight is given to each aspect.


Our short term planning (weekly) on one page shows each area of learning and the aspect being covered, we then select Dev matters learning intentions for each aspect according to our observations of children's interests, next steps etc. Our continous provision planning is on a seperate sheet and shows what enhancements we are putting out etc


Hope this helps.


Here is a blank short term plan that we use



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Guest babyjane31

Have attached our daily plan, we also have a very lose long term plan with key visits, celebrations and themes for the yearas well as continuous provisons sheets for all resources, our medium plan is the children's next steps which each key person completes half termly. we meet weekly to complete our planning where we link next steps, and interests from observations to come up with our daily plan, sometimes there is a theme for the week sometimes not. All the blanks on the daily plan are free choice areas for the children or for new activities if interests change or an activity takes us off in another direction and are completed retrospectivelydaily_plan.docx

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Guest babyjane31

Hi Suer, our plans are for the group but includes individual plans for specific children as determined by key person it normally works out that what a keyworker identifies as relevant for one child is often relevant to a small group. We try and make our plans as individual as possible but feel we do need a whole plan for the setting with 25 children in each session twice daily I haven't found another ways that works for us.

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We do not plan for the whole group key staff plan individually for their children


For us we feel that we do not get the best out of our cihldren if they are made to do something that they are not interested in.


We have 24 - 26 children and each key person has between 6 and 8 children

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