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Question Regarding Dismissal

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hi all. I was just sitting down to write a letter to a staff member who I decided to give a week's notice to (per the contract). She started in September, had regular probation review meetings, probation was extended for a month to give her one last chance, but it just isn't working out and so I have decided to let her go. My question is, how should I word the letter - has anyone done this before? - does she have a right to appeal the decision and if so within what time limit? I admit to being lazy and asking on here before going on the ACAS website, but I know so many people here have a huge amount of experience and I'm sure someone will know!


many thanks xx


Ok, couldn't 'read and run'. What I would suggest is that you have a look at your employment policy as regards dismissal/ appeals etc.


I'd probably use something like... "As we have discussed...." "As you are aware, your probation period was extended to allow ...." "It would appear that you are unable to comply..." "It is with sadness that we feel we cannot continue your probation period indefinitely..."


I've never written one of these before - do you think it will be a shock/surprise or do you think she suspects that she's not managing?


I have already met with her on Friday and told her verbally why it's not working out and that next week will be her last week. This is just to put it formally in writing, I just want to make sure I don't say anything that's illegal! Thanks for your reply Cait x


Well just go with the 'as we discussed on Friday' angle and that you are sorry it didn't work out and that you wish her well in her future endeavours. Will you offer her a reference?


Yes, I've told her I will give her a reference. I will just do what you suggest I think and hope for the best! I have emailed the management committee but as usual had no response, so on their head be it, so to speak!

hi all. I was just sitting down to write a letter to a staff member who I decided to give a week's notice to (per the contract). She started in September, had regular probation review meetings, probation was extended for a month to give her one last chance, but it just isn't working out and so I have decided to let her go. My question is, how should I word the letter - has anyone done this before? - does she have a right to appeal the decision and if so within what time limit? I admit to being lazy and asking on here before going on the ACAS website, but I know so many people here have a huge amount of experience and I'm sure someone will know!


many thanks xx




I am sure although this young lady has been with you since September 09 and that you have done Probationary reviews and extended her trial period, that you have to invite her into an Employment review meeting which she must be given 2 full days notice to attend she is entitled to be accompanied by trade union member or a memebr of staff from your work..Although this may seem a lenghly process, This is the procedure to follow? especially since this young lady has worked for you for nearly 4 months. this may save you a lot of embaressment later on. Hope this helps.


Thanks woowiss - I have my suspiscions that I would have to do more than a simple letter. I have dealt with dismissals for gross misconduct before and that was a long and complicated process. The contracts state that either party can terminate it with one weeks notice during the probation period, so I wonder if that covers it?

The contracts state that either party can terminate it with one weeks notice during the probation period, so I wonder if that covers it?

I think the ACAS website or telepone helpline is going to be your best bet Chicken Licken - best to err on the side of caution to prevent things going pear shaped (or do I mean industrial-tribunal-shaped?) later.


Good luck!





Thanks woowiss - I have my suspiscions that I would have to do more than a simple letter. I have dealt with dismissals for gross misconduct before and that was a long and complicated process. The contracts state that either party can terminate it with one weeks notice during the probation period, so I wonder if that covers it?


Hi Chicken Licken

I have attached a letter that i use as an invite to an Employment Review meeting, Hope this helps. PS dont forget the 2 days notice. You will need an artinary of events ect for discussion althoutgh i am sure you know the procedure Regards Good luck Woowiss xx



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