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Any Ideas For A Good Name For Free Flow?

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On certain days we have free flow with the whole year group in all areas, i think i may need a name to define this free flow time for the children. Does anyone have any good ideas as to a name for this time?


One school i worked at called it 'busy bee time' which is a possibility but i'd love to hear any other ideas!


thank you



We combine with our year one class (it's a one form entry school and both classes have 30 children) for half an hour every day for free flow and as the rooms are joined the children can use both areas plus outside for any self initiated activity. We have only been doing this for a few weeks but already the children's confidence and sharing of ideas and activities has been amazing.


We call it "Explorer Time" as the children can explore all areas and can learn with different children in a place they wouldn't normally use. Not sure that quite makes sense but am sure you will all understand what I mean.


Nicky Sussex :o

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