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I have done a quick search and looked in several places but cannot seem to find one anywhere...


does anyone have a job description for an After School Club Supervisor...


The preschool I used to run has just started one,and while they have someone in post there is currently no job description in place...


It would be very useful to see an example


Thanks for any help





(And I was not sure where to put this, schools or PVI , so plumped for here as it is a PVI setting extending hours.. please move if needed to more appropriate area..)

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Hi Inge


we have run an out of school club for 15 years and have been asked to set another one up at a different school in our Borough after Christmas so hopefully we are doing something right :o


Here is the JD and person spec for the coordinator's post - if you need anything else let me know.






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many thanks..


will pass it on the them... it is a new venture which they managed to get funding for so it will run at least one year as wages have been covered... it is doing quite well too, considering the school next door has one...



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